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Horse rescue summary – 2013

We had a common huge problem (as the other horse farmer in the country) last winter: the fodder purchasing. The yield of 2012 was pretty scant because of the drought and the price of the hay was extremely high. It is small wonder that we were very glad for every raindrop. As soon the weather let us, we started to build up a big pasture on the empty fields. We built more kilometers of electric fence, put down uncountable number of stakes and exterminated a lot of
brushwood and robinia trees.

And finally, our horses could enjoy the great, green pastures:

Unfortunately, Dr. Kerekes (the veterinarian of our horses) had no time to being bored during last year. The year started with the accident of Debi. On a rainy afternoon, Debi went inside with the stud farm, when she decided to walk through the stage into the stable. This action ended with a huge fall. Her hindlimb damaged seriously.

We had to handle and tie Debi’s hindlimb every second day for several months. Thanks for the sugar-therapy, her leg is almost completely recovered and a small hairless place reminds us of the serious accident.

Later, it turned out, that this accident was only the earnest of a more serious problem. She went completely blind a few months later. So we had to build a separated, special fold, the blind horse-fold.

The oldest horse of us, the 27 year old Diana was pretty diseased during last year and made busy Dr Kerekes. She he was limping several times. She had to have X-ray many times and according to the final diagnosis, she will limping forever cause of the arthrosis of her right foreleg. Later, it turned out that her right hind leg also has serious arthrosis. Besides, she had hoof abscess several times during last year, which also caused her pain in the feet.

She had to get painkillers but after the cures she felt a lot better. She cannot keep the tempo of the herd anymore, and cannot go with them to the pasture, but she shows us with lots of will power and stubbornness that this is not the end of the road yet. She’s doing alright with her bad legs and
she can browse at the backyard by the Minimenhely.

Our coughing horses (Tündér Palkó, Koksz, Menthol) were asymptomatic last spring, but as soon the nature ran out of grass, they started to chough. They had to get steroid several times.

In autumn, the majority of stud had gone through the regular tooth rasping: Barbie, Birs, Carmen, Debi, Diana, Kölyök, Tündér Palkó and Vipera. Certainly we had “new comers” in

2013 too. Muki and Szamóca came from Magyarszecsőd.

You can read the sad story of them HERE!

Muki had gone through the castration, which was not the easiest operation ever, cause of Muki’s tough nature.

Because of the two new comer donkeys we had to build up a new herd. (Because, Szamóca and Muki are declared as dangerous animals.) We took a deep breath and moved together all the donkeys into one herd. That’s how we created the burro-herd of Noé. So, we have in the herd Amálka and Koksz (our mules), Muki, Szamóca and Tóth Ottó (our donkeys).

They got a separated cattle pen with a temporary standing space, and we started to build a new leeward standing space them.

Luckily we had not just new comers, but we had “big traffic” on leaving site too. Zsanér had been returned to our care, but fortunately, he moved to his band new temporary reception couple weeks later.

Basa moved to temporary reception too.
Kölyök and Tesco found new home in Olaszliszka.

I would like to mention here the 3 old horses (saved from the horse murder of Érd) Ajtony, Váratlan and Topáz are living at temporary home too. They are doing very well, thanks for their temporary reception Karin, who loves them a lot and takes care about them. Ajtony has sometimes problems with his bad teeth, but apart from this, the three horses are glowing with health.

Thank you Karin for your love and care!

Fortunately, there was no drought in 2013, so we bought a lot of fodder on very favorable price:

And last but not least, you can check the numbers of 2013 below:

2012. closing headcount =2013 opening headcount 20 equines

2013. number of new comer hors/donkey/ mule: 2 donkeys

from this number castrated: 1 donkey
The number of equines, who went to temporary home in 2013: 3 horses

Number of died hors/donkey/ mule in 2013 : 0

2014. opening headcount of the Pet Home 22 equines

Number of equines who are living at temporary home: 9 horses

The number of equines who are living at the Pet Home at the beginning of 2014: 13

We would like to thanks for the support and help for everybody who helped us as volunteer, who gave us the 1% of personal income tax, who sent us donation, or helped
us with virtually adoption, real adoption, or temporary reception. Besides, we thanks for everyone who called our donation line, or shared one of you posts. Thank you!

If you’re about to send the personal tax declaration to the tax office recently, please keep in mind that our Pet Home can help in the future if you are standing next to us. Please offer the 1% of your personal income tax to Noah's Ark Animal Shelter Foundation.

Tax number: 18169696-1-42

Thank you angels!


It’s not a secret, that we spend incredible amounts of money on the catering and supporting of our horses.

Just fodder costs hundreds of thousands every year. The veterinary costs are also very expensive.

And certainly we have to spend on the regular yearly vaccines, tooth rasping, and infrastructure development.

Please, if you are able to support our work with donation. A small donation could be a big help for us.

Account number: 11710002-20083777

Please mark: „Lómentés”

EURO account: 11763103-13106883

Transfer from abroad:

IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000


OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

You can support our horses with virtually adoption at the link below

Our horses made a small wish list, we would need:

- horse muesli, horse feed

- oats, barley, bran

- apple, carrot

- flaxseed, flaxseed oil

- wheelbarrow

- pitchfork, strong snow shovel

- hay, straw

- horse vitamin


Vissza a cikkekhez
Name: Dollár
Born: 2001.03.07.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
I want to virtually adopt him/her!
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Nick From Till
Zoé 2024.01.17. 2024.01.22.
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Name: Muki
Born: 2000.01.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
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Nick From Till
S/he did not have a virtual master yet
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Name: Szamóca
Born: 2009.01.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
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Nick From Till
Levente 2020.10.22. 2020.10.27.
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Born: 2005.08.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
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Nick From Till
S/he did not have a virtual master yet
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Name: Amálka
Born: 1998.01.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
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Nick From Till
Miléna 2020.12.09. 2020.12.19.
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Name: Carmen
Born: 2006.01.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
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Nick From Till
Réka 2021.03.23. 2021.04.20.
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Born: 2008.04.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
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Nick From Till
S/he did not have a virtual master yet
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Name: TóthOttó
Born: 2009.11.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
I want to virtually adopt him/her!
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Nick From Till
Sáry Márta 2019.03.22. 2019.05.25.
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Born: 1998.01.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
I want to virtually adopt him/her!
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Nick From Till
S/he did not have a virtual master yet
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Name: Tesco
Born: 2007.01.01.

Virtual adoption: Has no virtual master
I want to virtually adopt him/her!
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Nick From Till
Timár Lili 2023.01.03. 2023.01.13.
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