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The roe deer that didn't end up in the cooking pot

The other day in the evening we received a call from locals reporting about a roe deer squirming in a springe. The locals who called specified the location of the animal quite precisely, in the small forested area behind the Asia Center Plaza in district 15.
The everyday life of our confiscated cats

As we reported in a previous post, the local authorities in the 17th district asked for our help with the housing of 10 cats that were kept in a fourth-floor flat under horrible circumstances. The animal shelter was given the task of taking care of the cats until the case is settled.

The Ringier Publishing House is the main supporter of the annual ARC poster exhibition, that focuses on the civil sector and human responsibilities. This year civil organizations that act on a voluntarily basis without political support and influence have been addressed directly to participate by submitting posters.
Attack against the fleas!

Every time the summer comes, we have to give antiparasitic treatment to all of our dogs.
We would like to ask for help from our supporters.
Click for a bowl of food!

There are other means to help us and our animals, voluntary work and money donation are not the only options. Please take a minute and join the Pedigree Adoption Program on Facebook!

The local government of district 17, Budapest asked for our help in the first days of June, 2010.In 2009, a local woman was reported to have held a large number of animals on her property. According to the actual legal regulations, only two cats were allowed to be kept in one flat, but it was impossible to check whether the woman kept the regulation as she was unwilling to let the authorities in.
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