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Yellow, the goose found on the M0 highway

There was an unexpected participant in today’s traffic on the highway, a goose parked in the inside lane…an injured goose sitting there to be exact…it’s neither something common nor right and really dangerous!

Swimming up stream continues...

It is very tiring swimming upstream and sometimes it feels like it will never end. We have to do it because for some strange reasons some people feel that they can turn their responsibility to us behind our back and without asking...


We were asked to help to take in a parrot in the weekend. This wouldn't have been a problem because many parrots live in NOÉ.
We were shocked when this little, poor animal arrived in her tiny bit cage which was her home.

One more of our oldies Mikardo left us :(

Though the ten year old dog arrived to us from an owner, he was skin and bones and his blindness was just a bonus on top of it all. We can't be sure how long he was in this depressing state but it was clearly visible that nearly everything scared him.

Always the big dilemma: dog or child? The question is wrong!
Évi's video went around the internet and brought attention to the question "dog or child?"..

Injured guinea pig thrown out on street

This poor little piggie was found last week in the XVIII. district.

Firefighter is looking for home

My name is Firefighter aka ''The Devil with a weird shape''. They found me in the middle of November in a paper box. I was about one week old. I couldn’t even look around because my eyes were closed. I was crying loud for my Mum. I wanted someone to take back to her so I can feel her heartbeat again. I don’t know if I had any siblings, I was alone in the cold...

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