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We can't stop!

JOINT STATEMENT, from the animal rescue organizations that attended to the demonstration on 20th February, 2016.
We can’t stop!
At the beginning of this year 120 animal rescue organizations and a lot of devoted people expressed in front of the Parliament that we had enough! This can’t go on like this!
On the 16th of May, 2016 the Hangya community’s donation delivery trip they have experienced horrible conditions in the Mandulás hegyi dog shelter in Sárospatak. The organizations joined hands together to help the dogs at the shelter.

What should we pay attention to with our animals in this heat!

The extreme weather, intense heat is very dangerous not only for people, but animals too, they are also at risk. Like us, our pets can get heat stroke, may dry up and can eventually die if we are not careful!
What to look for?

Steve Irwin Day – 15th November

Steve did what he loved until the last moment of his life. Many people followed him after his death and he became an idol. His foundations still work with the leadership of his wife and kids.
November 15th was named Steve Irwin Day in Australia in his honour.
STEVE IRWIN did so much for the animals on Earth during his 43 years which has never happened before. The Fighter is now sleeping forever. It is our turn to continue what he started.

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