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Can you help us to help Xena?
She is Xena and was found in Debrecen under a bush in this condition. She is currently in hospital, of course, at the Csipet-Csapat Veterinary Centre. She is in a lot of pain..

Our hearts are heavy with sadness
Here are some heavy-hearted thoughts. He's Grimm in the picture, we gave him that name back when we weren't crushed by the heavyness of his diagnosis...

Szirén is in trouble
Szirén, was ran over on purpose, her friend was killed 😢😡😡💔Szirén arrived from Szirák at the weekend. She was wandering along the road with her little companion (maybe her brother or sister, or her puppy...) when a car drove right into them. Szirén flew into the ditch and her companion died on the spot. 😢😡💔

Gipsz is on the operating table
Puppy kicked and slammed to the ground 💔
Tiny, white and very broken 💔 Baby Gipsz is on board at Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation and already on the operating table of our miracle worker Dr Boda!

Keep your fingers crossed!
Our little old dog Martini, who was returned to the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation after 13 years due to the loss of his owners...

Sisak 😍 news ‼️
Most of the edema has receded, thank goodness. However, in addition to the horrific wound, the skin, which was wrinkled and shrinking due to the natural process of healing, was flattened in several places and caused a circulatory problem again.

Kodi baby
A very small baby with a bad case of skin disease arrived to us with the help of the Füzesabony Animal Welfare Foundation 😢💔

Can you help Tangó?
Hi guys Tango I am a young black beauty 🖤
Unfortunately my life did not turn out the way like a fairytale. I don't know where I was born and I don't know where I lived until I was somehow run over by a car near Eger. I was injured. Very badly.

Sisak needs your help!
The next horrible case is already arriving at the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation, this time from Ózd. The little girl has been given the name Sisak by us. She was found in an abandoned property, locked in a shed.

Please, help!
Help us! We have 6 days to pay 535.000ft!
Our dog Bugaci Cider, who escaped from the infamous Bugaci bull breeding farm, almost died on Friday. He died 2x to be exact, but doctors managed to revive him. 🙏

Sütőtök is also a Noe miracle!
Do you recognise this little brat? This is Sütőtök 💙 who came into the care of the NOÉ Animal Shelter Foundation a few months ago, unconscious and convulsing.

We are fighting for Headache's life!
We saw the first picture and said yes immediately! The following pictures are even more horrible, taken by the Fans for Animals Foundation on the spot.

Jean Valjean is a real miracle!
New guy Jean Valjean 💔😭😡 I'm not writing any curses, you can see the rest.
He came from Kál, he was wandering around a fishing lake in this condition.

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