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Horse rescue summary – 2013

We had a common huge problem (as the other horse farmer in the country) last winter: the fodder purchasing. The yield of 2012 was pretty scant because of the drought and the price of the hay was extremely high. It is small wonder that we were very glad for every raindrop.

Shoeing and feet trimming: Birs, the Donkey herd and Gipsy King

The day of shoeing and feet trimming is over. Now that part took place which usually sweetens the life of our smith, Ernő Bakos and our vet, Kerekes. These animals are the ones who need to be stupefied for the work as we could go home healthy and on our legs and Ernő could go home with intact waist after feet trimming.

Gipsy King, NOÉ’s brand new heartbreaker

The NOÉ girls fall really easily in love, and here is a case of infatuation again! The object of their love now is no other than a real king, that is Gipsy King, the NOÉ herd’s brand new heartbreaker. We will introduce him in more details soon, but the most important is that he is also a perfect animal because he is BLIND.

The new home of Kölyök and Tesco - Olaszliszka

Some months ago we received a request from the Municipality of Olaszliszka saying they would like to have some new horses in their farm. There are hardly any other places in
Hungary which is farther from Rákoscsaba than Olaszliszka, so in the beginning we had some reservations regarding their request. But they were so persistent that in the end we invited them for a visit.

News from Szamóca and Muki, the two dunkies from Magyarszecsőd

It was a long time ago when we have had report news from Szamóca and Muki, the two donkeys from Magyarszecsőd so here is a little update.

Never ending story: there is always something with Debbie

It almost inevitable that from time to time there is something always happening with Debbie. Luckily not this time, the only thing to report on is her new, blind horse safe fold, which she could use after a week of accustomization period without assistance.

Szamóca and Muki, the story of the two „killer donkeys”

In May 2013 two donkeys got a really bad reputation when they attacked a man in unexplained circumstances. Unfortunately the man died. This accident got a high-profile was shocked and stunned the workers of NOÉ Pet home. The media recorded the two animals as “killer donkeys” even in the stage when the details were unknown. Still then everybody mentions these animals in that name.

Spring summary – Debi’s recovery and new meadows

You might remember that our horse, Debi had an accident at the end of the winter and she hurt one of her back legs seriously...

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