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Tesco can come home soon
As you might have read in one of our previous articles, our pony Tesco has undergone a surgery in the animal hospital in Üllő after he had exhibited the symptoms of colic.

Tesco – when „every little helps” is not enough
Tesco, our 3 year-old pony fell sick Friday afternoon, he exhibited the signs of colic. He was apathetic, hung his head, moved clumsily and had a high heart rate, and had no intestinal sounds (even though those are always there in healthy horses).

Álmos is gone
I'm driving home, can't see anything, my thoughts are wandering elsewhere. The windscreen wipers are moving at a high speed. Even the sky is crying for her, I think, with my eyes full of tears.

Horse Rescue Project

In Hungary, there is much left to be desired regarding the animal welfare of pets. For livestock animals, including horses, however, the situation is even worse.

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