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Szamóca and Muki through sickness and in health

Szamóca and Muki the donkeys came to our shelter 3 years under sad circumstances. Our visitors can’t meet them because they are declared to be dangerous animals. Them mare has a severe eye and skin infection and she has to wear an eye patch.

Worrying about Gazsi and Cérna

We had to worry about two of our „weakest links” Gazsi and Cérna. They scared us pretty badly but thank god it was not as bad as we first thought.

Cérna and her new shoes!

Two weeks ago, we received an urgent public help request of a dying horse. We'll never forget that when we saw the first pictures of her, we were almost certain that this horse is dead or would die within minutes.
Luckily we were wrong, and with a little help even she got back up on her feet at the sight and started grazing happily. This is due to the many people who joined forces together and helped her!

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