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Hello again schraches!
It's not a question that you remember my last words- I told you a few things to help those little hairy creatures. It was because they distracted your attention from me. It's also not a question that it succseed. Every puppy among Ijász (Archer) family has a new host, at least those who were promoted by me. I know I'm superb. Let's say something new! Ohh, if you don't than I do.

Hi there everybody!!

I am always complaining to you all the time why I am not writig but I have had enough of this, and…. Why should I complain? Now I am here, be happy!

Noah foxes – from Erika Boldán

Two cats are looking at the neighbour kennel surprised where dogs and foxes starts to play in abandon. Dog-fox friendship? It is good to see these animals, who are thought to be enemies, cavorting and softly biting each other - fighting or attacking is out of the question. Well, yes. This is how it works in Noah’s Animal Shelter where besides foxes, badgers live as well. Dogs sometimes visit foxes to have a small party; they might as well take some little gifts with them. And visitors of the shelter are just staring at them astonished together with the cats.

The story of Rikács (Screamy), Pogi (Patty) and Tipli (Bolty)
There is an old Hungarian children's song about a little fox called Vuk. It tells the story of the smart and agile little creature who knows no fear and overcomes all possible dangers and obstacles. The story, originally written by the famous Hungarian writer István Fekete, was so popular that even a cartoon was made based on the life and adventures of Vuk the fox. When we hear about this popular children's story, it's hard not to connect it to the little foxes we took under our care in the animal shelter.

The story of the Fox Rescue Project – how we dreamt it up and how it started!
The Noah's Ark Animal Shelter started its Fox Rescue project in spring 2009. With the rescue of the first whelp it became clear that an organized fox rescue project must be initiated. We were shocked by the number of foxes and badgers waiting to be rescued – as soon as we announced that we are able to shelter foxes, the small enclosure became crowded in no time. At the moment eight foxes and two badgers have found a home in our shelter. Many wounded puppies end up here, they are all the victims of a new Hungarian hunting fashion, "cubbing"; one of the cubs, a two-months-old badger died of its wounds in two days despite medical treatment.


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