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Community service at NOE Animal Shelter
From 2016 every student will have to complete 50 hours of community service during their high school studies, in order to apply for their final exams.


With Christmas approching we start thinking about what we could give to our loved ones. It is not easy most of the times to juggle through the mass of people in the malls and shops and not to mention buying the right and affordable present...

I am not going to beat around the bush, we need MONEY!

i am not going to beat around the bush, we need MONEY now!

Angels! I have been thinking for days how to write this that the Noah’s animal home which is the biggest in Hungary, who helps other shelters, takes in sick and injured animals and their treatment and recovery is expensive is now in dire need of financial help. We have to get through the next 2 months until the 1% tax donations comes in.

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