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Our stork is missing!

January 16 2011 our beloved stork, Főnök (Boss) flew away from the animal shelter where he was kept and treated. We took him in several days ago and he was in a very bad condition. After a quick and intensive medical care he got his acts together and seeminglyconsidered himself strong enough to decide to escape from the hands of the evil veterinary caretakers. If you see him, please call the animal shelter's number: 0670 3839480, or write to the e-mail address.

The stork is tame and is used to the presence of humans but he avoids touching, so you can catch him only if he is unable to fly. As he is still under a medical treatment and won't be able to gather enough food in the wintertime, most probably his condition will deteriorate and he soon will be unable to fly. Nevertheless, he can still cover huge distances and might appear actually anywhere. On the long run, however, without the necessary treatment and some provided extra food his chances for survival are not high, therefore it is crucial to find him asap.

If you see him or are able to catch him, please write to us or call!

Copyright free photos of the stork are available HERE!.


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