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Doglog 19-25.07.2010

This week's schedule was even tighter than usual. A number of rescue operations were made, so we had no time to chill...

A lot of new animals were taken in.

Bárd (Axe) is an adult, staff mixed breed male found roaming in the forest of Pestlőrinc. For two weeks we are looking for his original owner!

Bátor (Courage) is a 5-6 month-old mixed breed male. He was taken away from homeless people who mistreated him.

The Indian family was left at our door; their vaccination is now on schedule.

Vancsi is a young female cat, left in a flat by those who rented it.

Cuki (Sweetie), a ca. 3 month-old brown and white female.

Molekula (Molecule) is a very young, at maximum 6 weeks old tomcat.

Two small porcupines were also brought to us. They were found in a bush by gardeners who cut the grass in one of the public parks, but their mother was not found. They are very young, we can only hope that they will survive.

A 8-10 year-old red-eared slider was found in a waterpipe.

A young, injured pigeon is now homed at a temporary adopter.

Our dog Villon found a new owner.

Pocak (Belly) the cat spent two weeks probation time with a family, and now he is adopted.

The dog Sphinx is now permanently adopted by his previous temporary adopters. He also underwent his second surgery, the metal implants were removed from his legs, however, he still limps a bit.

The cats Kókusz (Coconut), Ron, Mamuska (Mommy), Szenilla, Tzatziki and Szende (Shy) found their new homes.

The ferret Ficu, who underwent a pelvis surgery, is now healed. He moved to a new home where he accompanies a pretty little female.

At the beginning of the week an illegal dog breeding yard was discovered in the forest near Vasad, from where we took 20 dogs to the shelter. Some of the confiscated dogs are now homed by organizations specialized in the rescue of one particular breed (labrador retrievers, Neapolitan mastiffs). The boxers and bulldogs are homed by our own rescue teams.

It was also at the beginning of the week that we heard about a horrible incident: in Érd, a horse was stabbed to death by the owner of the stable where the horse was kept. The police confiscated the remaining three horses that were transported to our shelter.

This week our residents received anti-parasitic treatment, especially against the fleas. Concerning the number of animals, this was not an easy task! With the help of our volunteers we were ready in two days. We are grateful for their help!

Our veterinarians had no time to chill, either, unfortunately. Our dogs Dodó, Shakespeare and Szultan (Sultan) had babesiosis, luckily they passed mortal peril. Teddy, the old rottweiler is getting worse despite all medical treatment. We hope that he still has some happy months in our shelter.

Our dog Saci is favoured by many of our visitors. Her wounds are healing quite quickly.

Saci now:

Saci one week ago:

Our pony Tesco has undergone a surgery in the animal hospital in Üllő after he had exhibited the symptoms of colic. Since then, our volunteers have visited Tesco every day, and now he can even come out for short walks. Tesco enjoys walking very much, which is understandable, as he is not used to be locked up.

A lot of people were so kind and donated money for Tesco's surgery, which is a great help. Now almost all costs are covered by your generous donations! We are especially grateful to Aniko and Tony Ingham from England, who sent us ca. 360,000 HUF to help Tesco's recovery.

New pictures of Tesco:


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