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Ákombákom family

We're bound to get our hearts broken for good one day 💔
How old do you think the dog in the picture is?...
Yesterday, a family with puppies arrived at the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation from Kisvárda with the help of the Ugatlak Foundation Kisvárda. A poodle like mum ❤️ and her 2 girls 💜, about 4 weeks old, who she gave birth to on the street and tried to take care of them...
You can see the teeth of the mummy 🤷‍♀️, you can see the teeth of a very old dog 😡💔, you can see the teeth of a stray or stray dog on the street 😡💔, you can see the teeth of a dog that has had many stray litters 😡💔. And as you can see the teeth of a sick dog, coughing fits, difficult breathing... needs a medical check up 💔
We have named them the Ákombákom after mum's messy hairstyle. From now on, we will take care of them in the baby-mummy section of NOÉ!


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