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We had a great week inour Szergény division!😁

Last week, a wonderful new chapter began in the lives of four of our residents, rejoice with us! 🙏❤️

Three have been stuck inside for quite some time, but we haven't given up hope for a minute! We know that everyone has an Angel somewhere, it's our job to find it.

We found Zsámoly near our shelter, never sought by his original owner. As sweet as he is, the young "bull" like features was a bit off-putting. The owner's report was full of good things about him, he has settled in nicely, loves his dog companions and his owners.

Zsamoly was Breki's partner, so he was on his own, and we were looking for a pack that he would feel comfortable in. That's when our old adoptive family arrived, and two of our puppies - Sirius and Bonita - found homes with them. Patrícia was starting her own life in a more distant village and was looking for a companion. When she heard that his companion Kermit had found a home, she couldn't help thinking that she was the one. We picked him up near the village of Békás, and today he accompanies Patricia everywhere, loves to walk with the horses, and I secretly hope that our little overweight Breki will soon grow into a well-developed, muscular, beautiful dog. He will meet Boni and Sirius often and they will be able to run with the horses at home in Vas County.

Joshua's difficult nature meant that it would be hard to adopt him, but we never give up. He was always looking for conflict with other dogs, but he was so lame that he was the one who always ended up beaten. He tried to 'sell' himself - always looking for cuddles - but he couldn't go to a place where he had to share the love. Secretly, I hoped that one day an owner would come along who would make him the only one. On Sunday, the miracle happened, Joshue left with a grin from ear to ear and never looked back. 😁

I left Rozoga to the very end! ❤️ She is very difficult to talk about, if you know her, you know that it was very difficult to let her go! Our doctor asked for our help, she arrived at the clinic in a state of shock, injured. We fought for her life for a long time, due to a traumatic injury one lobe of her liver was ruptured in several places, she needed urgent surgery. I cared for her in my home and after her recovery we went everywhere together, our lives were completely intertwined. There was such a bond between us that I can hardly tell if I was crying from happiness or from letting go. I can't get rid of the look of alarm when the car started and I was left. I'm sure she knows now that she has a wonderful life ahead of her, she'll be educated at dog school, they'll go fishing and hiking on the weekends.

I know in my mind that the best thing in the world is a happy life with a pet, but separation hurts somewhere.
All four of them are about to have a wonderful adventure, we wish them all the best and much happiness!❤️


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