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Wish you all the best Tomika

A couple of weeks ago, a family came to the Noah's Animal Shelter Foundation for an open day on Saturday and said they wanted to adopt a large, aging dog. Sadly, we don't hear this every day, so we were very enthusiastic and went to see the candidates. 😍
Finally, after a successful introduction, they chose Tomika Agyagos, who went to his new family yesterday at the age of 12. Pictured here is Piroska, Tomika's carer, saying goodbye to him.❤️
Tomika was dumped on the streets as a puppy and experienced what it's like to not be treated properly, so we're very happy that someone finally sees him as part of the family. 🥰
Our button-eyed, always mumbling Tomika, be very happy!
Don't be afraid to adopt an older dog, experiencing their happiness and feeling their gratitude is truly a wonderful experience. Give them a chance too! 🙏


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