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Smugglers were caught again!

The business of selling puppies are going strong because Christmas is coming. The smuglers go to great length to make a lot of money on the expenses of the animals.
On Sunday the Szurkolók az Állatokért received a call about a puppy transport. They have informed the Komárom authorities and they went to check out the information. An the border they have caught the smuggler who was trying to smuggle 18 puppies out of the country. Most of them are about 3 weeks old and most of them don't even have teeth and their suckling reflexes are still there.

The Állatmentő Sereg group went and helped the Szurkolók az Állatokért group finish the inspection. All of the dogs have received chips and after that they were transported to Budapest. 3 Animal rescue groups have taken in the puppies. The Noah's Ark animal home took in 6, the Putrinka-Mopszokért Foundation 6 and the Állatmentő Sereg also 6.

The puppies already show some sign of disease which is no surprise because they were taken from their mother at an early age and we don't even know where they come from. One thing is clear that their well being was not taken into consideration. Only making money off of them was important.

Our job is to give them everything they need in order to stay alive and prepare them for a better life.

We can't emphasize enough that PLEASE DON'T BUY PUPPIES FROM AN UNKNOWN SOURCE and inform your friends who live abroad!

We would like to the Komárom Police Office and the local offical veterinarian for their work with which they gave a chance to these puppies for a better life. We will do everything in our power to help them to grow and have a loving family.

The dogs are not adoptable, you can't book them. They are exhibits in a police investigation. They are also sick. As soon as their status changes they will be adoptable.

Thank you for your understanding!


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