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An era has ended!

An era has ended in the life of the Noah Animal Home Foundation... Suzy our red deer has passed. 😞🌈

One of the defining experiences at our animal home was Suzy. With her big stature and not to mention with her big head who approached people either for some petting or asking for food. She was an iconic figure in our farm yard for 13 years and we had to let her go. 😪💔
Suzy was raised on an animal farm where she was suppose to become meat on people's plate. A family has taken her in and they tamed her. Unfortunately they had to move into a flat and she moved into our animal home.
Due to the change in the laws and the other deer Panka's behavior she wasn't allowed to walk around freely in the daytime around the visitors it is still strange not seeing her there at all.

We miss you very much! 💔😪🖤


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