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I am not going to beat around the bush, we need MONEY!

Angels! I have been thinking for days how to write this that the Noah’s animal home which is the biggest in Hungary, who helps other shelters, takes in sick and injured animals and their treatment and recovery is expensive is now in dire need of financial help. We have to get through the next 2 months until the 1% tax donations comes in.

We are responsible, we plan ahead and have a budget because we are responsible for our ca. 1200 protegés, for our workers and for our animal home. This year though we slipped up. We slipped up with the vet costs and we know the reason. It is the growing number of dogs that have dirofilaria immitis and we couldn’t plan that ahead. It started about a year ago and all together 28 yes, you read it right twenty eight dogs came to our animal home with this disease. Each dog’s examination, surgery, treatment etc. cost a couple of hundred thousand forints and in 1 year we have spent 8.000.000,- forint on those 28 dogs. :(
The Noah’s animal home’s average monthly cost (vet costs, medication costs, other treatments, special dietary products etc.) is about 4.000.000,- forint and that is a preferential price. We could only pay part of the July vet bill. The missing amount is 2.173.360,- forint. We need to raise that amount ASAP. We are already in August and maybe because of summer the donations are less.

Now we have to say no when when a call comes in asking for help. In this year until July we have taken in ca. 650 animals but now we have to stop.
PLEASE HELP! You have helped us already so many time and we need your help now too. To make the MIRACLES happen cost a lot of money.
Of cours we keep a detailed and accurate accounting of our expenses and as a transparent foundation you can look into ii at an agreed time. You can wite to to make an appointment.

If you wish to make a donation you can make it the following ways:

If you speak Hungarian you can do it with you bank card through this website: :

Through bank transfer:
Forint bank account number within Hungary: 11710002-20083777
Bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

EURO bank account number within Hungary: 11763103-13106883
Euro bank account number from abroad:
IBAN: HU15 1176 3103 1310 6883 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

Or you can donate through PayPal:

Thank You!


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