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Sayin goodbye to Tigris!

I have to say something but I don’t have the right words to say. We know that we can’t do anything about the passing of time or old age but it is so hard to accept death.

Tigris has gone forever with his cute stiff legs and oblique head and his beloved old dog scent. He will not be running around welcoming us in Noah’s hospital garden again and will not be waging his tail or wooing the female dogs or making a fuss about dinner. He was one of those shelter dogs who were everybody’s but basically nobody’s, and that is what he had almost all of his life. First, he was a guard dog than he became a shelter dog where his younger buddies went to new families but nobody looked twice at an aging striped dog.

It is strange to say but I think his happiest years were at the Noah’s hospital where he became a permanent resident after he had a stroke. There was always something interesting happening here and he was right in the midle of things. There was always someone who petted him and there were always female dogs . We can’t imagine this place without him, it is inconceivable that we will not see him anymore.

We hope he is in a beautiful and peaceful place now where there are dogs to woo and most importantly he has an owner who loves just him.

No animal should ever have to die in shelters.


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