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2015 when dreams come true

As you know, 2014 was the Year of the Senses. It was not easy, but we have done it! Was it worth it? Very much! In 2015 our dreams started to become true. Of course our dreams related to our protégé and animals in trouble. That much improvement and modernization have never happened before than in 2015. As I read through the reports from 2014, I could happily announce that the relevant parts of the thoughts and wishes expressed could be materialized.

It was pressing the whole renovation for the hospital and infirmary department supply more than hundred patients. We cannot deny that we were afraid of it literally leaning onto our heads. It was a huge improvement both materially and logistically. 14 rebuilt and safe kennels with unique lighting and launder supply the expert and secure placing for new patients in the renewed departments. The whole section is covered with chemical and abrasion resistant synthetic resin for the sake of easy cleaning and sterilizing.
We should thank you for financially carrying into effect. In the campaign 1 million forints has been donated for this project. Our sponsors also helped according to their business. E.g. the Danubius Ablak Magyarország donated the plastic doors and windows, or course with assembling.

A quite big part has been detached from the infirmary department that our convalescent patients could take the air if the condition allows it. Some of them need to spend weeks and months here, so it is was important to provide facilities for this.

Our brand new department is a kennel section for small dogs. There are many small dogs in trouble and waiting in flaying houses for secure placement. And most of the people would like to adopt are looking for small size dogs. Until now, we could receive limited amount of these dogs, because they could not be placed into conventional kennels. For the better they were placed into the infirmary section taking room from sick dogs. Therefore this division has been made for serving the high demand and offer. The place is closed from 3 sides, topped, covered with synthetic resin that perfectly serves our tiny dogs until they find an owner. There is a ring where the candidates can make contact in safe circumstances. It has been made with serious calculation, for one part of the cover of the investment has been put up by the Vivicittá Half-marathon running True Blue runners. The other part of the money has been donated by our highlighted sponsor, the Celanese Magyarország, the roof by Bomstal Manufacture. The extra expenses in course of the construction have been put up by the Noah Sponsor Club.

The health center of breed rescue has also renewed. One side of the BullBox shelter has also been modernized. The inner kennels got new synthetic resin cover. New spaces have been devised for small dogs. Some caduceus parts have also been changed. All these things could be made by the help from the breed rescue and the Minimenhely special project departments.

We have many horses with more or less hoof issues. So our overnight room has become unusable because they needed to stand in a dryer place. Because of this, we could concrete the night breather and surroundings. The big part of the investment was donated by our volunteer riders.

The upper corner of our economic yard; a rehabilitation section has been created. We detached a side of the upper stable and the attached big court. The pigs were placed here. They are very old or because of their previous life there is no herd who would accept them. In this way they will have breather with bedding and they do not have to race for the food. At present 7 pigs are enjoying the privilege.

Developing the quarantine section was also a burning and deferrable improvement. Due to our sponsors we could bring into action the topped, separated and closed mobile kennels. We could comfortably and safely accommodate the newly got-into dogs in the new places. As it is totally separated from the other part of the Animal Shelter, we have the opportunity to run the dogs from the quarantine every day, into the inner yard of the quarantine.

The Animal Shelter is more than 23 years old, so the dog kennels are more than 20 years old. During these years many dogs have been living in them, for longer or shorter periods. After a time these rascals has amortized them. We had to renovate them. First kennels placed behind the kitchen got new, rustless fence. With this, two small kennels belonging to the hospital were also renovated.

Our old age macaque, Pepe’s life has changed a lot during these years. Monkey yard has been changed and renewed. Originally it was made for our baboon, Linda, but unfortunately she passed away. The needs of a vigorous baboon and an old, 26 years old macaque are substantially different, so the yard had to be refurbished, both inside and outside. The brunt of the landscaping of the exterior yard has been born by our volunteers. The specifically, separately openable, plastic doors and windows has been donated by the Danubius Ablak Magyarország. The cooling-heating air-conditioning equipment has been donated by INVENCIO KLÍMA 2004 Kft. Pepe has moved at summer and he is happily uses his new and roomy home.

There are improvements and investments what are not related directly to the animals and they are not spectacular, despite of the fact they are necessary for the daily work. Of course it is the most difficult to find sponsors for these kinds of developments, so we need to solve it from our yearly budget. One of these kinds of changes is modernization and complete transformation of the sewage disposal that belongs to the kitchen. In the animal shelter we cook every day for the carnivorous, so the kitchen is constantly used. We could not postpone any more, this part has got its own sink. Moreover the sewage used is continuously has been mixed with catabolic enzymes, so from now it does not burden the environment.

Maybe I do not overact if I say that the encumbrance of our work when it is raining, and the mud swallows the Animal Shelter. We cannot really do anything with this, the loamy ground and the misbehavior of the animals cause this situation. We constantly need to increase our concrete network to pass the food and all stuffs everywhere by a barrow. It might not seem a big thing but every meter new concrete needs serious preparation, digging, shuttering. So in 2015 we extended it with new sections. Of course, in this way the area for accessibility has also broadened.

We can surely declare that earthwork is taking place without intermission. It is also true that the big part of this is not a purposive implementation, because even though our dogs, pigs, foxes and other animals are digging and rooting without intermission, unfortunately we try this kind of energy to stir toward another useful line, but they do not really keep their ends up. Everybody has their own opinion in this ground issue. As their opinion is different from ours, because of this we need to take action. It was counted, in 2015 we moved more than 200 cubic meter soil and sand not to break our neck, not to leave to collapse the houses in the kennels or to have enough digging for the rascals. This huge shifting was also necessary for planned improvements or landscaping. We could count on the manual help of our volunteers and we could also reckon on machines of our permanent sponsors who have gone to our relief.

Brand new street lighting has been deployed by approaching and using the new and renewed departments. It is safe and such a big help at winter time when it gets dark after 4pm. The back garden of the economic yard has got 8 lightings during the year’s progress in energy safe a led spotlight form.

The feeder area of our herbivores has been concreted and reconstructed because of easier service, cleaning and sterilization. 7 feeder areas could be refurbished from the bull-goat yard to the deer yard trough the economic garden. Thanks to this revival, this section became the most popular part of the feeder area.

We could also say, without reference to any breeds, the big pool is also beloved by all. Ducks, geese, deer, pigs, dogs all love to splash in, almost all residents. In this year we could also renovate it, the defects and the gaps could be amended, it has got a new and special cover.

The wild animal department by the office has also been revived and widen out. The basic area has been doubled, the new division has become an important pool for badgers and foxes. The roof that was leaked in hundreds of points has been changed to light-proof, plastic coating. Evidently the present residents, Puffogo the badger, Betyar the blind fox and his girlfriend Angyal very much enjoy their new playground.

This year has also brought big changes in the life of our horses. Finally we could use, they could use the new grazing ground. (Yes, this is the area where the posts for the fence have been stolen in 2014.) They love to ramble, sunbath and graze with delight on it from day to night. According to our plans this area will work as a meadow in a few years to help fodder supply of our horses and herbivores.

We have already mentioned our rascal dogs. Our darlings are shining not only in landscaping but their preference for literally use up the wooden dog houses. Because of this a few years ago we started to change them into plastic, washable inside and outside, isolated, double wall, dissinfectant houses. It is comfortable to lay in them, but it is not good to bite.  The price, well, was not cheap, but we can change as much pieces as much donation we get in a year, as much what we can save. We could buy some in this year thanks to the donation of our sponsors.

Yes, you counted it well, 18 - also singly - big investments and improvement. All could succeed, because You helped us. This all could come true by the material, objective and physical contribution of our sponsors, volunteers and sympathizers.

2015 was the year of help. At the start of the year our helping project has been announced for shelters and animal protector organizations in worse situation with less sponsors, where in many cases the primary care, vaccination, chip, feeding were also a problem.

As part of the program, hundreds of dogs got chip, vaccination, parasite releasement. We could help with thousands of kilograms of dog and cat food, disinfectant, dog house, bed and other equipment.

Many times the support - all by ourselves - has been taken to Puspokladany, Kisvarda, Nyirmada, Torokszentmiklos, Siklos and Obecse Animal Shelter. Mora than 50 places received our and your assistance collaborated with the Hangya Community.

Many of our sponsors have participated, like Zoetis who donated anti-rabic vaccination, Partner In Petfood Hungária who helped with many pallets of dog and cat food, and B.Braun Trading Kft. who supported with a huge amount of Braunol listerine. And thanks for all of our supporters who promoted the program with material or objective donations. Based on the feedbacks sometimes these aids were lifesaving, so we need to continue this helping project in 2016!

If we talk about help, then of course we must not to miss the animal lover people in need. It is a pleasure for us that our cooperation with the believers of Hungarian Krisna Community has lasts for many years. We work together in many topics, protection of animals, education, information and helping for poor people. We participated in two big food distribution as part of the collaboration. At Easter and at Christmas circa 2000 packet of animal food has been distributed to families, who are living with bad conditions and their only cheer is the animal that lives with them in their sad life situation.

Uniting with 3 other organizations (Budapest Bike Maffia, Age of Hope, KARMA Association), we organized a tag day for poor families. Thanks for the supporters, who were helping not only in the animal protection but they also stood by us in the charity work for humans. A huge amount of clothes, cans, detergents and other essential items could be given for the people in deep poverty in BAZ County. The local social experts helped us during the distribution.

Of course, our main goal is, while we are assistance for people, the animal protection and saving. In this regard compared with the last years we must not fall behind.

About thousand animals were under our care, and how it goes with us, not only cats or dogs. Most of them were injured, sick and in need of treatment. They were either tiny or raised artificially. We could save some of them, but unfortunately there were cases when we could provide a save refuge only for the last days.

Unfortunately it made matters worse that more and more protégé came back under our care. The reason was always moving, work on abroad or the death of the owner. Our heart has broken at that time.  It happened when a seriously ill animal after 11! Years have been brought back to us. Lujzi could get only a few weeks long love and care.

Some remarks from our most memorable savings:

FoszLany, is anybody out there who does not know this name? A French bulldog lady has come with very bad conditions, their owners has neglected her illness. It came very near, but she could manage it! She is already a happy dog with an owner. :)

We also had a beaver adventure. It was amazing, but this wonderful stock has occurred in the 17th district. After capturing, it has been taken to the Animal Shelter. The medical examination has been in the Metropolitan Zoo, and then it was unhanded by the co-workers of the zoo.

És most már tényleg fellebben a függöny ... a ládában Franci, a 17. kerület központjában talált hód volt. Miután az elmúlt hetekben bebizonyosodott, hogy a mi Francink teljesen egészséges, sőt igen csak "erős temperamentumú" hód hölgy, vagy úr (erre hódéknál nem egyszerű rájönni), így ma a Fővárosi Állatkert munkatársaival, az illetékes Nemzeti Park segítségével a Duna árterében szabadon engedtük. A pontos helyszín Franci biztonsága érdekében nem jelöljük meg.Franci amint megérezte és meglátta a vizet azonnal határozott léptekkel elindult az irányába, belevetette magát és boldogan lubickolt a habokban. Még néhány percig láthattuk ahogy bukfencezik, piruettezik a vízben, majd átúszott a túlpartra, ahol egy méretes fa árnyékában partaraszállt. Légy boldog és hosszú életű Franci, örülünk, hogy találkoztunk! <3 <3 <3A fővárosi Állatkert munkatársainak köszönjük, hogy azonnal a segítségünkre siettek és a lehető legnagyobb szakértelemmel gondozták eddig. Köszönjük az illetékes Nemzeti Parknak, hogy segített megtalálni Franci új élőhelyét és segítették a szabadon engedését. A legnagyobb köszönet a megtalálóknak jár, akik pontosan tudták mit kell tenniük, nem zargatták, nem macerálták, azonnal segítséget kértek a számára!Go-Franci-Go!!!!!Előzmények:

Közzétette: Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány – 2015. június 19.

Tiny little dotty roe has come around into the orchard and her mum does not come any more. We could raise her inspite of her very young age. Because of her mildness, she could not be let back to the nature.

Fagyi helyett egy csöppnyi pöttyös délutáni édesség ❤A NOÉ Állatotthon legújabb apró védence ez a picike őzgida. A mérete alapján nagyjából 2 hetes lehet. Kiszáradva találták egy gyümölcsösben. Még nagyon kell neki a drukk, küzdünk az etetésével. A cumit nem fogadta el, de tálból iszogatja a langyos kecsketejet. Nagyon pici, nagyon félénk és nagyon törékeny minden szempontból ...Az Ő életét talán sikerült megmenteni, de ne feledjétek TILOS összeszedni, simogatni az anyjuk által lefektetett vadállat kölyköket, gidákat, borjakat!!!! Az esetek túlnyomó többségében NEM ÁRVÁK! Ugyanez vonatkozik a fészekhagyó fiókákra, azért mert a földön, bokorban vannak, csipognak, még nem árvák, nem kell összeszedni őket! Teljesen nomális, hogy néhány nappal a teljes tollazatuk kifejlődése és a röpképesség előtt elhagyják a fészket. A szülők tovább védik és táplálják őket!!!!Ennek a kis pöttyös bak prücsöknek pedig nagy drukkot kérünk, ja és FANTÁZIADÚS névötleteket!

Közzétette: Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány – 2015. június 10.

Small owl nestling, which fell out of a nest after a big storm. For a professional service, it has been given to the experts of the Metropolitan Zoo, who has raised and unhanded it since then.

Vigyázat, az esti édesség nagyon hizlal! :D :D :DNyilvánvaló, hogy szinte fajra tekintet nélkül minden gyermekállat nagyon édes, de az biztos, hogy a bagolyfiókák már önmagukban, a létezésükkel, a látványukkal kivernek minden édességbiztosítékot! <3 Ezt csak tetézik azzal a tudományukkal, hogy hol az egyik, hol másik szemükkel pislognak, nem beszélve arról, amikor egyszerre mind a kettővel! :D :D :D (az óriás vagyok, veszélyes és nagyon tudok kattogni a félelmetes csőrömmel mutatványra már nincsenek is szavak! :D )Ezt a tündéri fészekhagyó bagolyfiókát a 17. kerületben találták, és mivel úgy ítélték meg, hogy veszélyes helyen van, ezért begyűjtötték és behozták a NOÉ Állatotthonba. Mi pedig átadtuk őt a legszakavatottabb kezekbe, a Fővárosi Állatkert munkatársainak. Ők most is több hasonló korú bagolyfiókát nevelnek, a cél természetesen a szabadon engedés!A fülesbagoly is egyike azoknak a madárfajoknak melyek fészekhagyók, tehát a fiókák még a teljes tollazat és röpképesség előtt elhagyják a fészket. A szülők továbbra is vigyázzák és gondozzák őket. Ennek magyarázata, hogy a kicsik egyrészről már nem férnek el az apró fészkekben, odúkban, másrészről sokkal nagyobb a túlélési esélyük, ha szétszóródnak, így egy ragadozó nem tudja megölni az egész fészekaljat egy támadás alkalmával. Ilyen fészekhagyó madár még például a rigó, a szajkó, a szarka, a varjú is. Tehát ha már fejlett, de még nem röpképes fiókával találkozunk ezekben a napokban nem feltétlenül kell megmenteni, nem kiesett a fészekből, hanem direkt elhagyta azt. Sajnos sok esetben nem működik a kézzel továbbnevelés, mert sokszor az ember közelsége okozta stressz miatt az ilyen fiókák nem hajlandóak enni, tipikusan ilyenek a rigók. Tehát a madaraknál is igaz, mint általában a vadállatoknál, hogy előbb helyzetet felméri, tanácsot kérni, gondolkozni és csak utána cselekedni, fogdosni, begyűjteni! Köszönjük!

Közzétette: Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány – 2015. június 16.

A prowling wild boar was not that lucky, who has been saved from a stream in Budapest. We have tried everything but unfortunately it has passed away because of its spine injury and rear-ends paralysis.

Circa 850 animals have been adopted by families, or unhanded after raising or recovering. It was definitely a huge delight that more old residents, old, sick and having no chance animals have found a home in this year. We think, something has started even if lots of animals have been given back, has turned out of doors or hurt.

Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to many animals. Most of them were tiny who wanted to be raised artificially, but we could not manage it. Sometimes it causes such a big difficulties to raise injured nestlings. Always the biggest loss is caused by the wounded or too young animals. We try everything, and give a chance for everybody. Thanks to more than 20 years long experience we could save hundreds of lives but losing still hurts. The farewell specially hurts when an old and beloved resident needs to pass away on the Rainbow Bridge. :(

Let’s see the numbers:
Central section, animals got into: 410
Got to an owner: 385
Dog has been given back to the original owner: 30
Passed away: 25 :(

At the start of the year 63 cats were under our care. 188 new cats have arrived, 180 have been adopted and 17 cats were passed away.

Minimenhely (Mini shelter):
2015, start of January: 65 dogs
65 got into,
62 got an owner,
8 friends have been passed away.

We have started the year with 28 boxers and 3 mixed breed boxers (the same as in 2014).
Dogs got into in 2015: 55
Adopted in 2015: 72
Passed away in 2015: 3
Dogs awaiting for adoption at the start of 2016: 8 + 3 mixed breed (the same as the previous year).

Number of participants at the beginning of 2015: 14
Got into in 2015: 46
Adopted in 2015: 43
Passed away in 2015: 3
Looking for an owner at the start of 2016: 14

We have started the year with 8 dogs that are looking for an owner.
In 2015 we have rescued a lot, 36 chow-chows, 26 has got an owner.
Despite of care 6 chow-chows needed to pass away, 3 old protégés were among them, Maxwell, Delilah and Yanjing. 
We are taking care of 12 dogs at the start of the year.

Cane corso:
We have started the year with 13 cane corsos who were waiting for an owner.
During the year 12 cane corsos were under our care that were given, rescued from flaying house, found or given back. All of them got vaccination, chip and were castrated. In 2015 10 dogs have found a final and beloved family.

Horse/donkey/mule own by the Animal Shelter in 2015: 21
Horse/donkey/mule got into the shelter in 2015: 1 horse
Horse/donkey/mule passed away in 2015: 2 horses
Horse/donkey/mule own by the Animal Shelter in 2015: 20
Living with temporary owner: 6 horses

Economic, wild and exotic animals:
Living in the Animal Shelter in 2015: 695
Got into in 2015: 164
Let back to the nature in 2015: 69
Passed away in 2015: 62
Living in the Animal Shelter in 2016: 728

Animals living under our care in 2015: 1118
Got into: 976
Got an owner, let back to the nature: 847
Passed away: 126
Animals living under our care in 2015: 1121

As in every year, we have participated on many events and have also held popular occasions in the Animal Shelter. It was such a good feeling to meet familiar, supporting faces and new people who are interested in. It was good to see the sparkling eyes of the animal lover people or to meet again with our previous residents. These days are the highlight of the performance of the year.

In this year many business helping days have helped and supported our work. We thank you very much for all of our partner companies; this was all a huge support for us!

In a large measure we could say thank you for our sponsors to make all of this happen, they offered the 1% of their personal income taxes. In the 2014 tax year our supporters thought to sponsor us with approximately 75 million forints. Thank you very much!

Henceforward we enjoy the trust of our Supporting Club. They provide us an assured background for the operation of the Animal Shelter with their monthly help. Thank you very much! :)

Well, we could carry out many things from our plans and dreams, but still left in abundance. What is more! :)

Our old wish is to open up an education center in the Noah Animal Shelter. We would not like to tell too eraly but it seems that the cherished dream might come true in 2016.

Our special project is refreshing the rehabilitation kennels of the Small Shelter (MiniMenhely). This section would help to rehabilitate the dogs that cannot go into dog community because of their predecessor life, behaviors defects or health condition. We would like to change the present ramshackle machinations and would like to build well-set, polyamide covered and modern kennels with sewage disposal.

Our eternal dream is having a puppy quarantine, where the tots can shoot up in save, separately while avoiding any infection.

We would like to move, increase, and modernize the parrot kennels to provide more comfortable place for them in winter and in summer.

We would like to continue the accessibility with creating new concrete sidewalk. We would also go on with refurbishing the first generation kennels and purchasing plastic insulated dog houses. The will be able to extend the list. What is the most important that assure the future, comfort, welfare, health care of our residents through the way where we started.

Our longspun yearly report let us just a small insight into the 2015 year of the Noah Animal Shelter, when the dreams started to come true, but are not limited to.

Thank you for everybody, who promoted our work with offering the 1% of their personal income tax, donation, virtual donation, adoption, temporary adoption, calling the donation line or only with sharing as volunteer, supporter, company or private person!

Phone calls or text messages are also welcome in our ADHAT line as well. Call 13600 without any prefix and then dial Noé Animal Shelter’s code: 63.

If text messaging is easier for you, just send 63 as a message to 13600. One call or text message earns 250 HUF. We completely receive this amount and this is the amount it costs for you.

Now the service is only available at T-Home and T-Mobile (only call!), Telenor, Vodafone, Invitel.

Direct donation with card:


As regard we are directly available on a separate bank account for central or special projects what you can find at the availability of the projects.

Thank you, Angels!
Success is only possible with you!
