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They are here!!! Felhő's family arrived finally!

This is a big day for us, Cloud’s family is here!

With help of the concern authority they arrived today to Noe Animal shelter. One male and five female, and a little surprise: approximately 1 week old little spotty one.

Cloud hasn’t met yet with his family, they are in quarantine. They are terribly thin, they were neglected, and their nails are in horrible conditions. But they are nice and curious. One female looks like she is pregnant so might be that soon it will be three little one in the lamb-garden.

Now they are in a safe and relaxing environment. They got good quality food and drinks. Peru our lama was volunteering to be their night guard; he was the first one to greet them as well. He was taken by the cute little one who is as spotty as him. The sympathy is mutual.

The next few days they will be busy, they have to be examine by the vet, they need grooming, and they need registration, blood sample…

They are going to stay in Noe animal shelter forever.

Keep your fingers crossed Angels to make sure all okay with them, we will give you more update about them later.

Tax declaration is coming soon. For you it is only a few minutes but for us it is for survival!


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