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Swimming up stream continues...

We can write cute, touching, funny stories that make you laugh or cry but behind all of it feels like a we are swimming up stream. Some people have strange morals and they are dumping their irresponsibility on us.

Until now we were dreaded the dawn, what we would find after a long and dark night in front of the gate of the shelter in a box or a sack, and in one piece or torn. Sometimes it happened that these “gifts” were left on the road close to NOÉ under a bush or in the turn. But today something had happened that we can’t believe.

In the afternoon we went to check upon one of the newcomer dogs. We saw something which was moving in the cage which can be the supplement of the trailer that we usually use
when we want to take our foxes to a special event. As it was not in use it stood in front of a container (which is a depot) on the road to the back part of the shelter. Because you can‘t visit this part on weekdays there is not really anybody, but when you enter to the shelter you can see a sign where you can decide which way to go.

As you can see on the picture above, the office is in the direction of the green arrow on the left side and the back part is in the direction of the red arrow on the right. Our visitors can find the office easily if they want. Today here was “someone” who didn’t want to find anyone. There was someone who was watching the shelter and knew our daily routine. When we were on the other part of the Pet Home for feeding our animals he went to the back part, unlocked the chain of this cage, put four puppies there, locked back the cage and went away since his job was done…

We weren’t far away so he could have come to us and told us that he has problems but no, he didn’t. He just stayed calm, didn’t ask anything. He just self-serviced himself and went
away… He didn’t care that he put these four puppies which are not vaccinated into a cage which was not disinfected properly. Or he put the puppies on the ground. He didn’t
care if we had enough place, opportunity, money or a person who can take care of them. But he is sleeping well because he took the puppies to us instead of killing them or let the on the road somewhere. He must sleep well… but we not, because WE CAN’T BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PUPPIES!!!! We don’t have enough empty cage or other place. We don’t have the
opportunity now! Handing over the responsibility is not a responsible decision. And no, the walls are not made of rubber, or we still don’t have a magic wand to shield the puppies from the diseases and we don’t have unllimited financial resources either!!!!


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