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Shoeing and feet trimming: Birs, the Donkey herd and Gipsy King

The day of shoeing and feet trimming is over. Now that part took place which usually sweetens the life of our smith, Ernő Bakos and our vet, Kerekes. These animals are the ones who need to be stupefied for the work as we could go home healthy and on our legs and Ernő could go home with intact waist after feet trimming.

First the donkeys, Muki and Szamóca, from Magyarszecsőd went under the hoofknife. Last time Muki got less intoxicating agent, so the doctor couldn’t trim his hinder legs. Now dr. Kerekes gave him more intoxicating agent. Naturally, it was easier for our smith now and he could sculpt beautiful shoes.

Szamóca responded well for the intoxicant agent, then came Koksz and Amálka, the mules, who also finished fast with the regulation of their hoof.

Then came the newest member of the herd, Gipsy King. It was almost 6 month ago when Gipsí's feet were trimmed, so he came with really long hoofs.

Almost 4 cm of horn could be cut.

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Right leg is before, left is after:

However, it turned out that he is scuffing his right hinder leg in an asymmetric way. We saw that he doesn't use it often and now it turned out that his leg hurst.

Gipsy behaved well during the feet trimming, he didn’t really need to be dragged. He gave his legs where they needed to be after a word. He moved when it needed. He was standing while it needed. He is a well-behaved good boy!

Then came Birs, who got a new therapeutic horseshoe, because the old ones were worn out.

Unfortunately Birs is among those who needs the intoxicant agent. He is not the same as the others, he is not a kicker becauce he is the kindest horse in our herd. However, his hoofs are very sensitive, mainly for the angulation and the hammering. His shoeing is stupefied in order to avoid stress and struggling.

In the end Vipera feet were trimmed by Ernő. Vipera is the oldest member of our herd, who needs to be stupefied. Everybody who knows Vipi is aware that he is not small and he is not the kindest.

He makes everything for the smith to not come an easy work (also when he is stupefied). It was painful for the waist of Ernő, but in the end he didn’t say he wouldn’t come next time. :)


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