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Here we go again, our family became larger again...

Here we go again, our family became larger again..

Here they are Family Bale, Bála Bella

and her five tiny brats.

Mama Bella is a tiny doggie around 3 years old, weighs about 4kg-s, skin and bones with a 'Sorry I'm alive, I won't even bother'-attitude. Her babies are about 4-5 days old, two light browns, two blacks and one chocolate brown.

The mom gave birth to her babies in the shelter of a small bale of hay in the 18th district, on a farm. The farm owners went to pick up the bales today when they noticed the small family. The terribly skinny mom and the little ones wouldn't have stood a chance but without the protection and warmth of the hay they would have frozen for sure. Actually I'm not sure how we did it because we don't have any more space... despite, they're already warm and safe.

Bella had dinner, she no longer has to exploit her own small body to breastfeed her babies, she will have energy supplies, from now on she only has to concentrate on the little ones.

Whe don't know how they will turn out, how big they will grow, we don't even know their gender.

We put them in a warm, clean place with the least amount of prodding.


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