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The trouble is coming fast and growing!

We are writing again about an old residence and want to ask you to help and cross fingers for it. Our poor skunk (Mephitis mephitis), who is also called Pepe, is really sick.

Everyone might know our American skunk who was in the farmyard of NOÉ once. He lives next to the gate on the left side with the cats. Our striped back friend is popular, because he is not just cute but also everyone knows this species from American family movies or cartoons.

A few days ago he started to be weak. It moved strange, he was also sniffing and coughing. Our vet examined him here in the Pet Home. As his condition became worse, he didn’t really eat or drink and he felt himself really bad, he moved to the hospital with the supervision of doctor Mátyás Liptovszky.

Doctors used the newest equipments and methods for examining: X-ray, ultrasound and laboratory examinations. During this period Pepe was in a warm place, he was healed and got both infusion and medicines. The X-ray and the ultrasound haven’t showed the proper reason, but the problem is somewhere around the lungs of Pepe. There wasn’t any other method but a CT for this cute skunk boy. He was examined yesterday. The results are exasperating, but for us there is nothing impossible!

According to the examination there is something in his lungs and he can’t breath properly. It haven’t turned out if it’s a tumor, water or infamatory “gunk”. It needs further examination. A sample will be got today with the help of ultrasound which goes to the laboratory and cytology. The future is not so good, but Pepe is eating and drinking again. He is active.

Angels, please send him positive energy and cross your fingers for him. He really needs it. He is staying with us since more than six years. He was a pet, but his owner wouldn’t keep him anymore. We can’t say that he is young, because he is more than ten years old. But to be old means not to be sick. So he must stay with us for his elderly days.

You can see more pictures ITT!

Unfortunately the examinations and the healing process cost a lot. Despite of this we would help him. Please donate for helping the healing of our striped backed little friend. As you might know this can happen only with YOUR SUPPORT!

The bank account of NOÉ Pet home: OTP 11710002-20083777.

Or you can donate us by calling the Adhat (you can give) hotline by the NOÉ Pet home:

Please call the following number: 13600 then after signing in push number 63 (this is the number of our organization).This means 250 Ft for us (that’s the amount we get and that is the prize you pay for the phonecall).

Until now you can’t send any SMS.

Now you can use this service from phone from the following service providers: T-Home, T-Mobile, Telenor, Vodafone and Invitel.

Thanks for your help!


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