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Dog Log 01.10-07.10.2012

This week the number of newcomer dogs was manageable. We are over on a fox and a raccoon spaying. We also took party in the biggest party of the year-the traditional procession on the World day of Animals.
Those who were fast could walk with dogs from NOÉ, but others came with their own dog or other animals.

The NOÉ family represented itself with a huge number again.

Dog lovers almost „argued„ on Radar. Everybody wanted to walk with him! The only thing I don’t understand is why he hasn’t got a host? So let’s find a real host for Radar!

The Íjász puppies were also there: Pepe and Dorka with their new hosts and Pite with me „unfortunately”, since he hasn’t found a new host.

You can see a report with lot of pictures HERE from the girls with cats!

And let’s see the inevitable part about our new dogs this week:

Dorcsa arrived to the Pet home after the death of her original host. She was living in a house with garden which she adored.  Now she is a member of our senior club on the farm yard.
Dorcsa was born in 2002. She is a little bit plus sized German Shepard like dog.

Jampec was left on the road to the Pet home. At the beginning he was really shy (it took several days to vatch him) but now he is more open and barks a lot. He is a kind dog, but he isn’t familiar with leash or commands. His hair was full of ticks and fleas; and he is a bit skinny. He is about a 2- year old mixed (?) Leonberger.

Mákos was found on road 4 near Monor on 29. October 2012. He was lying near the road. We were afraid that a car runs over him. It turned out later that he was just extremely tired…
After reading our advertisement on Facebook a woman from Szászhalombatta called us. She thought it’s her dog who was lost two weeks ago. She visited us immediately and it was joy to see her with the dog.

It turned out that Mákos is originally called Strupy. He is sleeping now at home. We can be calm because he went home chipped. It’s a mystery how he traveled from Szászhalombatta to Monor. If he could speak he would have told us a long story from the last two weeks. The dangerous stories are over here!

This week Nyaki, our giddy German Shepard girl and Merzse
Jive was adopted:

And it’s unbelievable, but Anasztázia found a new home. We are sure she won’t be brought back because she’s not barking:

We also got some news and photos about some of our earlier protegees:


We got a short letter from Raszta Rusztik:

Dear Pet home,
I’d like to send some photos about the dog we had adopted from you. He is Raszta Rusztik, but we just call him Charlie Filpo.:-) He is smart, but sometimes acts like devil. He loves walking and running. His favorite is to catching cats and barking. He is the favorite member of our family.
Roland Mesteri and his family

Fibi Íjász (Archer) was also welcoming from her new home:

My dear NOÉ family,
sorry for not writing for such a long time, but it had happened many new things with Me.
I feel really good in my new family and I’m fond of my new family. I really enjoy when they are letting me run without a leash on the field. I learned how to come back if they are calling or whistling for me. If we are playing I’m taking back the sticks. I’m guarding the house if someone pushes the bell and I’m not that shy if a foreign is close to me. I miss my brothers and sisters (but try to get new friendships with other dogs), I hope they also have found new hosts. My best friend is Betyár, the pointer from the neighboring garden. I really enjoy when we are playing or running together. I feel myself at home so sometimes I’m mischiefing for e.g I chewed the glasses of my host, I diged out the turnips and tulips, I picked the grapes, and once I peed in the house. But they are not angry with me. They are trying to teach me how to become a good and smart dog.
I’m sending you some pictures to see how I live now. Sometimes I’m like a monkey. Once I sat into the empty balcony boxes with my favorite toy, Nyunyóka. My mother told me that I was the most beautiful flower in the garden. In the other picture I chewed the 25 year-old doll of my mother.
I wish a good family to all of my brothers and sisters and I’d like thank everything for my hosts. I will write you soon!
Fibi Íjász:

After closing the Pet home on Monday we found some pallets of chocolate-vanilla pudding which somebody “left” here as a donation between 5:30 and 6.30 p.m. We assume that he had good intentions and he left it here for the pets. Please call us if you want to donate something for the pets which was originally made not for them if it is such a huge amount. As the example shows, good intentions are not enough to avoid problems. The products which were left here are not only impossible to feed the pets with but it’s also hazardous material because it’s warranty is over (as you can see on the pictures with 3 months).
And now the question is: what can we do with this amount of HAZARDOUS WASTE? Please make no mistakes, we know that our donator wanted to help us. But with this he made us only trouble, expanses and work. Those materials which warranty are over are hazardous wastes and to destruct them connected to the law costs much.

On 4 October we were celebrating the World Day of Animals. In connection with this, groups of children from kindergartens and elementary schools visited us. Our teaching team has also worked in different schools and kindergartens that week.

We are celebrating the World Day of Animals since b

Those beautiful winter nights… or we are collecting money for dog houses:

You can read more details HERE.

We started to prepare for winter by our horses. Debi and Carmen have moved to the shelter from the farm and they are in the stalls now. Unfortunately they are sick but they are getting better. Debi has a problem with her eyes and she has a metritis. Carmen has disagreed with Tesco and she was chewed on her hind leg that’s why she is lame now.
They will spend a few more weeks in the stall.

We need some wooden chips ASAP to bed the stall continuously (we can use it also by the dogs). We are lack of it now!

And if we speak about the stud:
This week’s cuteness: Ears of Amálka…


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