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Dog Log 10.09-16.09.2012

This week was about finishing up before the Aid concert. The oranizers were nervous, they weren’t seen without their mobile phones on their ears or they were in front of their laptop (with their phones on their ears) or they were coordinating the actions on the scene. A lot of our volunteers helped us on Saturday. Thanks to everybody who were there!

This party is over. Those who weren’t there can feel sorry and those who want to join us in the future are welcome on 7 Oct 2012 (Sunday), on the regular Procession of Animal’s Day. The route will be the usual: Andrássy Road, from Basilica to Heroes Square. The detailed program is coming soon but write the date in your diary and don’t plan anything else.
Of course life didn’t stop at the Shelter just because of the concert. New dogs arrived and fortunately a lot of them found new homes too.

A new member arrived at Noah Pensioner’s Club who has no chance to find an owner.

Filox’s vaccination’s book says he was born in 2002 but there’s a chance that he is older. He is a black labrador mix who served his owner for a lifetime but unfortunately his beloved owner died. The heirs put him – who had always been kept inside – to the garden and looked after his basic needs but he was getting older and he had several health problems (for example: tailboard weakness) and he became a burden for his family so they wanted to put him to sleep.

Filox is terrified and doesn’t understand why he deserved this treatment because he was a good dog, served his owner untill her death.

We want to provide him several beautiful, happy years in Noah Pensioner’s Club but our dream is a permanent owner.

Uncle Rémusz, the old, purebreeded German Shepard dog was pulled out from a trench at the corner of Naplás Road-Jászkisér Road in the 17th District. He is a womky dog, moving is not easy for him. He was found without a chip or other identity equipment.

The crying owner arrived the next day who had spent the previous day trying to find this 15 years! Old dog int he rain. Cézar (the name of the dog) is now a happy dog with chip under his skin. We gave several good advice to the owners about how they can make this old dog’s life more comfortable. The owner has called us since then and let us know that they had met the vet and talked about medicine that could help Cézár to move easier.

The Boda family, Bill and his sister, Blanka were left at a veterinary clinic and they arrived from there. They were born in July 2012 and they will probably be large dogs.

Makuka, the chocolate colour retriever mix has moved to a new owner this week. We’ve already received photos about them. As it turned out they were scared that after a bath Dior would lose his chocolate shade but fortunately it didn’t happen.

Anasztázia found a new home too. She had been forfeitured by the City council of the 17th District. Her new owners were very patient, they had visited her several times before they took her home.

Three members of the Erdő family found new homes this week.

Unfortunately there were bad news too. Zizi, our wild boar died … It happened on Sunday…
He was better for a while, ate well but he suddenly went over the rainbow by Sunday morning. Thanks for everybody who thought of us, supported us and sent us lots of positive energy.

We are unspeakably greatful for Dr Liptovszky Mátyás and his wife, Dr Papp Georgina for their devoted care, treatment and love. Every single creature is lucky who is looked after by them. Good bye Zizimancs, we will never forget you … we miss you!

We received pictures about Szilaj who arrived after New Year’s Eve’s squib. He became a beautiful German Shephard dog. He means everything to his owner.

Or about Idom, this brown dachshound mix

There are on-goings around our horses too … This weeks protagonist was Debi, who scared the hell out of us because her only good eye swallowed by the other morning and some kind of liquid was coming out of it. Our vet and his collegue examined Debi’s eye. Fortunately the cornea seemed fine, he probably had hit it. Carmen was there during the examination because she was more frightened than Debi and tried to rescue her from those evil vets. Well, she should know better than anybody that no one shold be scared from Doctor Kerekes (at the end she gave a dribbler kiss to her savior)… 

Debi got two injections and we have to give her eyedrop for several days. There were a few days when we were worried about her but it seems she is over the inflammation

It’s great to be a part of Noah Family. Why? You will see if you watch this video!

Finaly … Coni’s smile  Isn’t it unresistable?


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