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Dog Log 20.08-26.08.2012

It seems that everyone is on vacation or just enjoys the last free weekend of August….no potential new owner, not even a single visitor came. Even on Saturday no one came, so we had a very cozy and familial weekend, with only those volunteers who are anyway there every weekend. Still, the day was very active:

We tried Sanyibácsi get used to carriages with the help of Riksa's carriage: though slowly but happily went on his first walks long ago. Right after the walk he got a beauty treatment as well to wait for his fans neatly and pretty. His best friend, Hektor Piktor looked at him a bit awkwardly when Sanyibácsi appeared with his punk fur, but in a minute’s time Hektor herded Sanyibácsi to their place, to a box in the stable.
Since then Sanyibácsi got wings, so we are waiting for enthusiastic fans to take him for a walk.

Sanyibácsi’s first steps with the carriage:

At the beautician’s:

The result: a happy and smiley Sanyi!

Out of a sudden idea we took Riksa with a handful of other dogs to the river to bath and play. As it turned out, Riksa loves to be in the water, he is happily playing, bathing in case there is a familiar face close (otherwise he flees soon). At first he splattered where his feet touched bottom, but after a couple of minutes walk Riksa learned the joy of swimming with the help of Zoli. Some more occasions like this and there will be no person who would be able to pray him out of the water. So, Riksa fans, he is waiting for you to have a huge bath with you – it would definitely improve his health!

That’s all about good news. Unfortunately we could not get away this week without dogs back to the shelter: Tüske (Thorn) was brought back because he could not get along with the owners: he was too active and playful. Poor soul, he does not really understand what he did wrong, why this is happening to him.

Chain, the other returner, was brought back because he began to cough and the owner, instead of taking him to the vet, brought back to Noe. Luckily Chain was not shocked by the experience and he happily marched back to his kennel.

And let’s see the newcomers, because full house is not an excuse when it comes to a lonely dog:

Itóka, probably born in 2004 mix dog with sandy patches on white, raw fur. He was wandering in Vác in 28 July 2012 before getting to Zöld Menedék Állatvédő Egyesület (Green Shelter Animal Rescue Association). He had cataract due to a previous conjunctivitis, but this was possible to cure with antibiotics. Still, he has dry eye illness, so he needs eye-drops every day. Itóka is a dream dog, by the way: he gets on extremely well with other dogs, loves children and adores adults. He is a bit afraid of interaction so he takes petting a bit hesitantly, but after a couple of minutes he gives kisses and rubs freely. He knows and bears leash and walks nicely on it.

Scotch is a 1.5 years old fallow coloured, raw furred dachshund mix. He was found by a group of children near Noe, so they took him to the shelter. Perchance he is a local dog taking a walk caught by the kids, unfortunately he has no chip or any further identifier but a brown collar.

Scre was born in Bosnia in May 2012. A young German couple, who spend their holiday there with their caravan met him and decided to take him to their other 3 dogs. They took him to the vet in Bosnia, so Scre got vaccination and chip as well, even got a passport, so he was ready to travel to his new home. The young dog got the name Scre, which is said to mean “heart” in Bosnian – he got this because a patch on one of his sides forms a heart. Throughout the long journey it turned out that the other three dogs do no accept the tiny newcomer, so when the caravan reached Hungary, the couple decided to take Scre to Noe.
This picture was taken when he got in, a smaller injury was seen on his head, which did not seem to be that serious. Still, right on the first night of Scre getting to his foster owner he got an epileptic fit. That night, after a brief medical consultation he got first aid (rectal anti-epileptics, pain killers and sedatives). His morning medical examination revealed that the inflammation on his head, which grew twice bigger, was full of pus, which was successfully cured. His skull was injured, most probably as a result of a bite. The doctors were fighting with the fists for days and now it seems that Scre is better, though his status is far from stable. So keep fingers crossed for Scre!

Smarni is a tiny, sandy colour dachshund – chiuaua mix bith of approximately 2 years found on 7 August 2012 near highway M3, near the Hungaroring drive. She is a lovely though timid creature, who seems to like the company of humans somewhat better than other dogs apparently. If someone wishes to meet her, just look for her in the office – she rapidly recognized that there is always a tender word for her there.

Newcomers – injured dogs:
Babusz (Bamboo) is a 1 year old stripy mix dog found in Monor with a serious wound on his back. The precise reason for the injury is unknown, though it might be possible that it was caused by an axe or a spade. Even though the wound is large, luckily the spine remained undamaged. Still, the surgery is unavoidable and will be a serious and most probably complicated one. Despite the horrible things happened to him, Bambusz is a very friendly, kind and tolerant dog. He is possible to adopt after recovery and neutered, with vaccination and chip.

After the surgery:

Verne was pulled from the Danube near Dunavarsány by the Szomorú Szív Állatmentő Szolgálat (Sad Heart Pet Rescue Service). Besides the fact that the poor animal nearly drowned, Verne was extremely skinny and one of the hind legs was broken. The medical checkup revealed that the fracture is not a fresh one and is a quite nasty one: the bones slid together and are very disorderly. This automatically meant a big and complicated surgery. It is hard to imagine what horrors and pains this cute dog had to experience – but he is in good hands now, and he seems to know this as well, because he keeps on being a joyful and kind dog after all these terrible things.

This week the surgery took place and Verne’s status turned out to be worse than it was believed: besides his shin-bone was shattered into pieces, it turned out that his knee was a lot more seriously injured. Most probably a sharp thing just halved and smashed his knee – literally, the patella almost completely disappeared, the ligaments torn, everything was fragmented, broken and dissembled in that area. Thanks to the devoted work of Doc Attila Boda, who, with a miraculous surgery, managed to put everything to place, thus giving back the hope to the little fellow that he can keep on living on 4. Though full recovery is way ahead, we are hoping for the best. At the same time we have to tell that Verne is a beautiful, lovely and smart dog. He surely deserves a new beginning and a happy life.

We would like thereby to thank all who contributed to Verne’s recovery in any ways.

Szamóca (Strawberry) bunny was found on the street – a particularly beautiful wild-red or dwarf mix rabbit.

We only had one adoption this week, and it was Buga’s. The owners were not new to us: they had previously adopted Morzsi, the flap-eared pointer from us. They already expressed their intention to have another dog for company for Morzsi, but they did not want to make a decision in haste. When they first met Buga, they immediately knew that he would be a perfect companion for Morzsi – it was love at first sight between the two dogs as well. Have a happy life with your new family Buga!

Zizi pig finally could note escape surgery. As it is well seen, the most modern equipment in the most modern place were used to guarantee the success of the operation.

It turned out that Zizi has appendicitis, yes, weirdly enough, which, is a lot more complicated with pigs than with humans, because it is a large and important organ for these animals. So the good old method from human medicine was out of the question. During the surgery 3 litres of ugly matter was drained and he feels a lot better even from this. He also went trough biopsy and his stuck intestines got a massage, which had a positive effect. Zizi woke from anesthesia in good shape, walks and roots as misbehaves as always.

After 10 days the ice broke and Zizi pooped! Well, yes, one would not be able to imagine how happy we were when we saw the “prouct.” We all hope that this means that Zizi began her journey to full recovery and his intestines are willing to work. The end is far-far away but we dare to hope for the best. And we still need a lot fingers crossed for her.
Anyway, Zizi is enjoying her hospital days a lot: she is visited by a number of fans every day and gradually from wild girl she transforms to princess. She has her own single room with the healthiest and most delicious food and a full time maid and with a lot of love. We can’t express our gratitude to dr. Liptovszky Mátyás and his wife dr. Papp Georigina who take care of our Zizi way beyond it is required.

Picture: Zizi really got a room of her own where she can lay in the bed, or in the carrier or anywhere she wants.

The Cosplay Charity managed to collect 70.000 HUF for Noe Pet Shelter. Thank you for all who bought Charity pin or participated on the auction. The Cosplay Charity continues its activity for other charitable organizations.

The other night the Cosplayer participants organized a charity auction where, among the offers there were patchwork animals, paintings and drawings. The auction went in a very good mood: fairies, soldiers, zombies and Luke Skywalker were bidding on each other cheerfully when a larger price was announced. But not only the auctioneers were special: the items one could bid on all got name, so Sausage Bear, Nyanya Cat, Fla Frog, Cyclops Elephant and their friends were among the items to bid on.

Our beloved Pulcsi was also present at the auction and touched the foreign Cosplay representative that the guy immediately offered his silver pocket watch for auction.

After the silver pocket watch was offered, our volunteers thanked the offers, took some pics with some of the figures and returned with numberless good experiences.

More pictures about the event HERE ! ! !

Last weekend Noe visited the Rákoskeresztúr Village Days with the pets. Bori, the dwarf pig, the rabbits, Windows, the goat, the ducklings, the little chicken, the turtles and the dogs were all incredible stars. Thank you for the invitation.

Last week we completely ran out of some of the most essential medicine. Luckily incredibly many reacted on our Facebook post, so we received a number of tiny medical packages in only a few days full of Neogranormon, Betadine soap and Milgramma pills. It is so good to know that there are always a lot to count on. Thank you Angels

And now let’s see what we still need: Augumentin and Algopyrin

September 16, 2012 – Charity Concert for the Animals of Noe
So it is September 16, 2012 a Sunday, Noe Pet Shelter (Csordakút utca, Budapest) from 10 AM till we bear with breadth. This is our traditional and always cool party with children’s programs, bazaar, raffle and with a number of guests and of course with more animals.
-11 AM – 15 PM kitty adoption day!
- Life rescue and revivification course for humans and dogs!
- Those who for sure join us:
Ed Philips and the Memphis Patrol
Eleven Zenészek special children’s band
Farkas Zsófi
Kozma Orsi
Micheller Myrtill and the Swinguistique
Náray Erika
Sárik Péter Trió
Tóth Gabi
Tóth Vera
Twin City Country Rock Band
Two Pools duo
Vándorok interactive music show

Throughout the day the Budakeszi Wild Park is out with a corner.

So mark your calendar: on 16 September 2012 everyone has to be in Noe.

Our weekly cute Pic: ‘And who are you?’


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