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Dog Log 30.07-05.08.2012

Yet again two of our returning favorites…. I just can’t believe that people are so uninterested in the pets they are supposed to be responsible for…. Lately we got so disappointed with some of our adopters, but probably the most shocking was that we had to realize that most of the dogs brought back were not given the proper vaccinations requested. Either the combined vaccination or, in some cases even the required rabies vaccination was missing.

We would kindly ask everyone who is thinking about adopting a dog to consider the additional costs for vaccination and what happens with the animal when they/family need(s) to relocate because bringing back the dogs to the shelter causes incurable damage in a dog’s life.

And now let’s see the two returned dogs.
We gave Domony Dinnye to owners as a puppy in 2011 and the owners got rid of the lovely dog because of moving abroad for work. We are currently looking for responsible owners who can deal with a rather shy dog who needs patience and care to be able to trust people. He definitely is a damage maker in flats so we recommend Dinnye to be adopted to a house with garden – also good to know that Dinnye is familiar with the basic agility orders.

The other dog, Királylány was one and a half years old when she first arrived to Noe, after being rescued from the racing cars in the XVIII. District. As no one came to reclaim her we began the adoption process. When she was adopted, we thought she found a loving shelter but we had to realize we were wrong. Királylány’s EXowners have moved to another rented apartment where Királylány was not welcome anymore….
We are looking for an owner who respects her and does not try to get rid of her when some problem arise. She is a lovely and adorable lady who likes to be around, though she gets annoyed by the unnecessary petting and she noisily expresses her frustration. She is used to travel in car, moreover she enjoys it.

This weeks was not without injured dog, either. Ring is a large, maybe Labrador type in his 3-4s. He was found in a drive-in cinema near Mogyoród with serious injuries – he was probably ran over by a car and he broke his thigh-bone and had some other, minor injuries in the accident. He immediately got operated and treated after arriving to Noe - he is very skinny and enjoys the hospitality of our emergency section.

Rimini is luckily only a temporary guest at Noe: the dog was found near Pécel without chip. We began searching for the owner and after some hours an acquaintance of the owners claimed the dog. It turned out that the owners went away for holiday and asked their neighbor (the person calling us) to look after the dog. Rimini is waiting for the return of the owners as a vaccinated and chipped dog – we hope next time they take Rimini with them……

The Piaci Family’s two puppies were found in a box thrown out near the local market of the XVII. District in 30 July 2012. We have began their vaccination program.

This hen and rooster were kept as pets and their owners needed to give them away because of moving.

Dinnye, our pug got his eye surgery – unfortunately he doesn’t seem to be able to use his other eye but this apparently does not disturb him in his everyday life.

Unfortunately no new owner visited us this week, the only good news was that Csimbi’s adoption was formally and officially is final: the temporary contract was replaced by a final one. Csimbi feels great at his new home, he is more and more relaxed, does not snap at for everything by now. He is yet to have a scaling on his teeth but otherwise than this he is fine.

I have wrote about Metal in a previous blog entry – back then, his original owner popped up and he could get Metal back chipped and vaccinated and with a temporary adoption contract in which he accepted to continue the vaccination program and take good care of the puppy. This Saturday we got a call that a family had found Metal on the street and with the help of the chip they managed to inform us. As Metal’s original owner did not prove to be a responsible owner and he also broke the contract in several points (Metal did not get any of his required vaccines in that month) he obviously could not get Metal back. Still, Metal is a lucky little puppy, because the family who found him fell in love with him and they decided to keep the little dog. Metal would have an excellent place here because the new owner is a dog trainer and their other dog is also very well trained.

Íjász Fibi was adopted last week and we have received news from the owner – it seems that Fibi really gets the best of everything.

“Dear Partons,”
Thank you for taking care of me and helping me in finding a real family, I honestly feel better and better. I am learning human and my owners learn dog so we speak mixed language but it gets better and better. I am attached to them more and more and they love me more and more. I hope my brothers and sisters will also find a loving family – I miss them so much. I know they cannot be replaced but I have a friend in the neighbor, a pointer called Betyár. So thanks again and I promise you will hear from me soon.
Íjász Fibi

We got some pics from Íjász Popo:

Gazsi also checked in from his foster parent and he is very fine, says so.

We would like to introduce you to our Disabled Section: these are animals who live with some kind of a physical disability in the shelter. They all belong to the hopeless category because people do not really like to adopt disabled animals – most of them have been waiting for ages to be adopted.

Amigo is a 6 years old dog who lost one of his fore-feet. He lives with us for more than two years.

Diana is a 3 years old American Staffordshire Terrier mix bitch who has a nasal deformity since birth.

Döme is a 6 years old Rottweiler-dachshund mix dog who has incredible motion coordination in spite of his club-feet. He is also with us for more than 4 years.

Fodri is a 10 years old dog who had one of his back legs amputated because of an ill ended courting, when he wanted to reach the lady of his heart but he got caught on a fence. He lives at Noe for 7 years.

Gyogyo is a 3 years old Spaniard mix with hydrochephalus.

Kapocs (not included in the picture) is a 3 years old Pomeranian mix dog whose spine was damaged in a car accident. As a result, one of his legs became totally insensible and just disturbed him so we had it amputated.

Marci is a 7 years old St. Bernard mix dog – one of his fore-feet had to be amputated because he kept on scratching a wound which thus was unable to recover. He lives with us for more than 6 years.

Mikado is a 10 years old blind dog who was kept in very bad conditions: his former owners even starved him.

Riksa is a 9 years old bitch who was ran over by a car which damaged her spine. Her back legs are not lame but she has difficulties with motion coordination. He has a wheelchair an she moves with it.

Sanyi is a 13 years old large Schnautzer dog. He had spinal hernia which got operated but this resulted in his near crippled back legs.

Sánti is a mix German Sheperd bitch born in 2003 who is lame in the back legs, due to an earlier fracture. She is with us for near 8 years.

Spárga is a 2 years puli dog whose back leg, due to a birth problem, moves strangely, and he seldom uses this leg, he mostly moves on 3 legs.

And finally a picture that needs no comment:


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