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Dog Log 16.07-22.07.2012

Finally the dog days have been getting cooler but storms have arrived which is not so good when our dogs are afraid of storms. Unfortunately we are not in a position where we can let all of them in but we do our best…
One of our dogs Polka is extremely terrified of storms. And she is not just terrified but she is really good in climbing. And the combination of these two can be dangerous. One night Polka decided to climb out of the kennel which is escape-proof (the top of it is curved). We found her in the fifth kennel at 5 am with a big wound on her belly. Fortunately nothing more serious happened. This wound and her unbelievable climbing technique helped her to get a permanent place in our accident department. There is no other place which would be safe enough for her. But she will take away the place from our sick dogs. When her wound will be better we want to find her a temporary (well, a permanent would be much better) owner, with whom she could be inside where it’s safe enough for her. Polka is a lovable dog, she gets on well with everybody: dogs, adults, chindren.

Mia is still looking for a temporary or a permanent owner!
She has been sad and barely eaten anything since she arrived here. She misses an owner, the everyday attention. We are looking for someone who lets her in the house and has enough time for her. Mia is a four-year-old, healthy, spayed female German Sheppard who gets on well with other dogs.

A lot of our dogs have found owners this week, including several puppies. We really hope, that the new owners have made responsible decisions and these dogs won’t come back within a few weeks or years.

Raszta Rusztik

Horgász Busa

Raszta Rekettye

Unfortunately we couldn’t take pictures about some of them but we hope that they will send us photos soon: Raszta Ragacs, Hajnal Angéla, Csoki Bueno, Csoki Maxi King, Raszta Ricinus, Kapu Turbó, Totya, Citrom

To be honest not too many dogs have arrived this week. I wish every week would be the same.
Peru, the lama came from a liquidated circus. His owner didn’t want to sell him because he has a skin disease which has to be treated. As he loved Peru, he wanted a permanent solution. Peru is very kind, likes people around and after healing he might be seen on our events.

Chain was tied up to our fence by his owner (probably he had worn that chain in all his life). Anyway, Chain is a lovely, nice dog who likes to be with people and he likes the sound of chain as for him it’s probably connected to long walks. We are looking for his original owner for two weeks.

Iskolás Pan was adopted when he was a puppy but his owners are going abroad to work and they can’t take him with them so they brought him back.

MARS Hungary started a program called Pedigree Adopting Program which offered a new option to every Animal Shelters in Hungary.
In this year everybody who donated money throughout this program made possible that the money worth double as Pedigree doubled it.

We want to say thank you for the support of every animal lovers because with your help and Pedigree’s offer we got 900.998 HUF. We will spend this money on our injured dogs who need medical care.

We’ve received donations from one of our German supporter, Wolfgang. Thank you for all those cat food!

Helping hands arrived on Sunday with the help of Vodafone Hungary. They dug, they packed up, they burried holes, renovated dog houses and helped to separate the puppy kennel for what they brought iron material as well. We really needed for this help as we have several different size and age puppies.
Thank you for your help! We hope that we will see you here again. We always need helping hands like these!

We’ve received pictures about some of our previously adopted dogs:
Patkó enjoys his time with his buddy:

Peán the little three-legged German Sheppard mix (who is not so small anymore) feels herself good with the new owner.

Dabasi Bogyóka came to visit us. She was a little bit confused when she saw her previous home but later she realized that they dint’t want to leave her there.

We have inmates who have been with us for long years and no one has ever looked at them. They are getting older and have less and less chance to find a real owner. But it’s not their fault that they are not as beautiful as some other pure-bred dogs or not as cute as puppies. They want an own home just like any other dog but they are about to give up that they will ever have one. We do what we can to give them a full life but we can’t give them an own family.
A poster has recently been made about them. Please propagate it as it can happen that someone falls in love with one of them and can give them some happy years. Of course finding temporary owners would be great as well.

Vízparty Bulldog Picnic was organized for the fourth time this year and NOAH’s Animal Shelter’s Bulldogsaving group represented itself for the second time.

Attention enthusiastic volunteers!
We are looking for a few enthusiastic volunteers who can help me tidy up the dry food container. The situation is pretty chaotic in there, basically we should pack out everything and put it back again so it wouldn’t turn down. Two or three guys would be the best but of course strong girls are welcome too. If you feel like it, let me know (Juli).

After Initiation of our supporters we started to run several charity auctions where a lot of valuable, high quality, nice, useful things have found new owners while helping our Foundation. Our currently running charity auction is collecting money for NOAH’s Animal Shelter’s Catsaving Team!

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Here’s an extra photo of Kökény, our regular office furniture who is doing what he usually does:


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