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Where did the Dog Log go???

The watchful ones who are surfing on our webpage regularly could see that in the last few weeks or months new posts were missing from our web diary. You can read its cause in this article.

But it’s not about the summary of our “big projects”, they went on regularly (for e.g. cats, small shelter etc.). Their authors were really enthusiastic so there was no lack of articles.

This problem has started earlier. To be honest, the web diary and I are far from each other. I don’t know why but we are not really good friends. I thought much about this, but I couldn’t find its cause. I’m just not the man who likes to write any diaries. I didn’t really had time to write. So dear reader, I’d like to tell you that this writing thing is a bogeyman for me. It is the thing that is usually forgotten as a half pair of socks from the washing machine.
I know that many of you love these reports. But for me it was really hard to write. I was persistent just for a few weeks to write regularly this diary.

This is a problem from many views. These articles are a summery over our work for the main character of the “NOÉ society”, Zoli. This is his favorite “cock-horse”. As a member of the NOÉ group I should have realize the importance of this task. But now I should admit that I failed.
But now its summer time and many students have summer holiday. So our enthusiastic volunteer can help us in writing the web diary. She also helps us by the horses, puppies and in many other fields. Her only request was that I should close somehow my writings with a short article. So I broke the silence now and had to write this confession. 
Dear reader I’m passing the baton now to Juli. Please read her articles with the same love as you read mine. I hope she is going to write you regularly.
Thank you for your patience!

And now let’s see some random pictures from the Pethome because a diary should be really colorful!


There are no more articles in this theme in your language.