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Hi there everybody!!

I am always complaining to you all the time why I am not writig but I have had enough of this, and…. Why should I complain? Now I am here, be happy! Those who think I am bored, let me tell you: I am not. I was attending tons of events where, of course, I was the ultimate star, everybody wanted to meet me and my fans just tore me to pieces.

I got another fat pig for neighbor. He was even allowed to my kennel. A boar, or what…Some Makkos….now what do you think? How can you live with such name? I would have rather died than live with this name. I would tell this to him if I was not afraid of hurting him while he tries to run me over (Makkos has already taught him a lesson several times but Pistike should be left with the impression that he is the though guy – Editor’s note).

We were in some playhouse or where…..lots of children and more, so severe boredom… it is always the same – they come, tear me into pieces and go home. Daddy took me on his neck and shoulders and showed me around. Sometimes I think I am some kind of a one trick pony, or what, I do not even get a decent wage for this and now, on top of all here is this stripy nightmare…

Moreover, there was in a bunny petting stuff in my territory – well, I would not comment on this. And when fox petting is coming? I am suppressed! I am only petted by Daddy’s daughter…and one or tow other but still…. I want to be the only star!

There was another bunny petting in Hüvösvölgy, I repeat bunny petting, and again, to be on the safe side BUNNY PETTING….why do I have to go to such events? And it was Hűvösvölgy, you know, HŰVÖÖÖS…. (Hűvösvölgy: Chilly Valley) and it was chilly indeed.

So that is all for today, recollecting these memories just tired me….and this Makkos guy…..really….aghrrr….. it doesn’t matter anyway, he just bounces around, so he needs some proper teaching on house rules (i.e. he would beat me….) to leave me alone. So kisses, love and hugs for all, see you soon if I have time, let’s say in 2 months, because I can do it…and because you deserve it…..


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