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Saci, without prejudices

Those who follow the stories of the dogs arriving to NOE might remember Sarolta: she arrived in a terrible condition from XVII. district more than a year ago. Her injuries shocked even the experienced vets and keepers, we could not even imagine what could have happened to her: car accident, human violence, or she might have been sprinkled with some kind of acid? Her body was full of serious burns and torn bruises, lacerations.

Luckily, she got into good hands and her spiritual and physical journey to recovery could begin. First she tried to isolate herself from her environment as she did not react to either humans or to other animals approach. She built a wall out of forced indifference. She simply might not have understood what could come after such terrible experiences. She silently withdraw to one of the kennels in our ambulance section while taking the painful treatments lying down. She was like a puppet: lying without a word, not showing any fear or pain.

Meanwhile, her injuries began to heal thanks to the keepers and volunteers around her. In short time she gradually opened up to people, which is almost a miracle knowing what had happened to this poor dog.

She began to realize that there are kind and loving people who mean well and this brought the first doggy smile on her face.

She was already walking without the leash and also got a mate in the person of Oszkár, the charming staff dog…

Still, there was one thing missing from Saci’s life: a loving owner to begin a new life and forget the past, a competent owner who has enough patience, who helps her fight her fears and bad habits. The dream owner kept her waiting for more than a year but a little less that a month ago he walked in the doors of NOE. Of course we suspected that it would not be love at first sight, still, he saw something in her and visited her with an enthusiastic frequency to know each other better. They were taking huge walks and spent a lot of time together. Even though we knew the prospect owner earlier and also knew that he was an experienced dogs person we wanted to give him a detailed description of Saci because she is not the easiest case ever…. She is a fundamentally dominant dog with other dogs, in difficult situations she is likely to overreact, at the same time she is way too timid with strangers and in unknown situations. Not the easiest and smoothest blend of characteristics, we all knew. To tell you honestly, the thing we all liked in the new would-be-owner was the fact that he gave time to Saci and was not only interested in our opinion, he wanted the dog to show herself in her real nature. And it seems Saci did something very well, as the adoption did happen. More than a month has passed since then and the love is still enormous.

Her new home waited her with a soft bed, numberless toys and tasty bits. Of course the dog school was essential, but what is more important is that she was surrounded with endless love and care which she all duly deserves. She reciprocates this with a miraculous development: the playful puppy showed herself which was totally unknown to us and she becomes more and more stable, balanced and self-confident in new situations and with new people and dogs.

We are all very happy to see that there was a person who could see behind the terrifying wounds and harsh look and did his best for a stigmatized type having no chance.
We all wish a long and happy life together for both of them: Saci really deserved happiness!

This a happy, huge doggy smile!


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