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A journey to happiness

3 of our horses we housed after the Horse Murder case in Érd recently got a great opportunity.
We are in contact with a british couple living in Hungary for a few years now, who are solicitous about the lives of abused animals. They suggested that they would adopt a few horses and called us to ask if we could help each other out.
We inquired at some length about the circumstances including feeding, housing and grooming, but just could not throw a question we got insufficient answers for.
It seemed simply perfect. Closed and warm stable, 20 ha meadow, self-made bio-fodder is all available, horses got rugs during winter to avoid colds and the animals are under 24-hour supervision.
Now the only question was which horses should move (temporarily only, as the shelter does not adopt horses)? It was fast decided that the trio from Érd would need them most, as we are constantly having trouble housing them in a stable. Besides, probably they are the most damaged of all the horses we have and they surely deserve their old ages to be happy and peaceful.
We bent to the task- passports, cupping, vaccination, tooth rasping and organizing the transportation.
Since winter had come, the three horses got their winter pyjamas long before their journey which they were quite grateful for.

The big day came finally. We had two trailers, Ajtony and Topáz in one, and Váratlan in the other.

We walked them a bit to warm the muscles before leading them up the trailers, which didn't go as smooth as everyone expected...

Ajtony, the leader couldn't be forced to walk up there. He had no idea where we were bringing him and he must have thought that it is much nicer here with us than it would be with his old owner. And therefore he stays, no matter what.

Eventually we managed to get him on the trailer. Topáz walked up beside him without second thoughts: if the boss is up there, then what could possibly go wrong?

Váratlan got up to the other trailer with no complication and we could finally make a start.

The trip went smoothly, except for the fact that we got lost at least ten times near our destination. Later it turned out the other driver had been there before..
Anyway, it seems like they don't like straight roads in Kiskunság.
We got there eventually, led the horses down the trailers and into their new home.
The Reception Committee:

The stable was filled with straw knee-deep. Váratlan jumped into it straight away, not giving a glance for the hay beside him.

Unlike Váratlan, Ajtony and Topáz noticed food:

We could only take a look around thereafter. Spacious meadows everywhere, winter fodder stacked up neatly.

Household animals had good lives here, ducks, chicken, rabbits and lots of cats and dogs of course (all neutered/spayed).
Later on, after finishing paperwork the team took a last look at them. They didn't bother too much, they were eating peacefully and didn't even glance at us when we entered the stable.

We changed Váratlan's rug as he sweated quite a bit during the trip.

We had to take leave of them eventually, but we were happy to know them in a safe place. We even received donations from the kind couple, although not for the horses but our birds.
Everyone remained silent on the way home, however we were quite busy with our own thoughts.
We already heard news about them the next day, assuring us that they are feeling well. They were found resting in the straw in the morning and had breakfast cheerfully.
They were kept indoors for a few days to get them used to the new environment, however, we received some photos of their first stroll outside:

All's well that ends well, we truly believe this is a place where they can grow old in peace. They really deserve it.



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