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It happened a year ago … and now we remember the red sludge disaster, a little bit differently

The red sludge engulfed Hungary a year ago. Yes, I did write Hungary on purpose since the tragedy hit the whole country, although not in its physical sense but still, it covered the lives of humans and animals, their hearts and souls.

Earlier I wanted this article to be a usual one of remembrance with data and memories, about what happened then and now. However, today I’ve been completely overwhelmed and couldn’t make certain feelings go away.

What kind of a day is today?

It happened a year ago. A year has passed since the first pieces of news arrived about something that nobody understood. A basin broke and the red sludge flooded three villages next door to Ajka. I remember how questions rushed to my mind, if that was like a flood or like a mini tsunami. We are good at floods, since we have helped a lot of animals and humans who were in trouble due to floods or inland inundations. But the news came about caustic alkali, and a catastrophe never seen before. Later the first videos and photos arrived and they were beyond belief. We started organizing right away and as soon as possible, we hurried to the scene since human victims were mentioned in the news regularly but we hadn’t heard anything about animals. I can not describe what we experienced, saw and felt there. And I will never ever be able to erase it from my mind. Right now as I am putting these words down it still makes my flesh creep, my eyes are full of tears and I feel pain in my chest. At the same time, I’m watching the news on TV, with the beautiful memorial garden and with officials and very important people remembering in front of the microphone. By the way, there is not much on what happened to the huge amounts of material donations and if the victims would have preferred a memorial garden or a secure future…. But what do we remember and what do the animals remember, most of all?

Why is today so special?

Today is the Day of Animals worldwide. Today we celebrate animals. We marched and remembered on the weekend. At the shelter, school and kindergarten groups followed each other. And we have also organized visits elsewhere. Today we celebrate animals. I stress the word “celebrate”. But my heart is still aching because of what I have already described. In spite of all the shiny eyes of the kids smiling at me and reaching the ceiling with their hands held so high to answer my question about the importance of this day. And in spite of the fact that my blind dog’s snow white fur does not have a tiny little spot that has not been stroked by kids’ hands. I can’t even add up how many hugs and strokes our protégés, the animals have received.

Why is today so special?

The Parliament started to discuss changes to the Law on Animal Protection and its modifications today. Of which the most famous or infamous section is what is mistakenly called “dog tax”, officially the “animal control surcharge” the newest burden to be paid by the population. Besides the package dealt with by the Parliament contains a number of other elements, e.g. the qualification of dangerous dogs and the question of fur animals. These are all serious questions, deciding about the lives of hundreds of animals like gods. The TV crews with cameras and reporters have also asked us about this today. What could we have said about it? That we are afraid and no one can foresee what the outcome of yet another skimming of people’s resources will be. That when us, the NGOs were asked about it, we have been discussing the topic for days, wrote proposals, sat at marathon-length talks and voiced our opinions. And now a package is being debated in which our questions and fears had not been taken into consideration.

So, this is the kind of day we are having today. We remember but we fight with our memories, we celebrate and if it is possible, we love our animals even stronger. But we are also afraid that ill-judgment and non-professionalism will harm more innocent lives.

I am so sorry that this commemoration is strange but I could not remember avoiding this strange triangle of today’s events.

We remember the victims of the red sludge disaster happened a year ago. Human and animal victims. We remember the lives, dreams and wishes disappeared in a moment. Ten people and many hundreds of animals who lost their lives.

The staff and volunteers of NOAH Animal Shelter participated in the rescue efforts from the first moment. We saved animals, we treated injuries and we fed the ones left behind during the quarantine. Meanwhile involuntarily we became a part of the life of Kolontár and Devecser. Friendships have been formed, helping hands appeared – and not just towards the animals since we still support many of the families in need.

What happened – the numbers:

We managed to save 26 cats, 32 dogs, 1 hedgehog; more show-pigeons, chicken, turkey, and even a painted turtle from the poisonous flood. Most of them were in critical condition. The lye inside and out marred their bodies. The cats were in the worst shape since the ancient drive to clean themselves meant death. We bathed and treated them many times a day, but due to the weak immune system of the “village cats” who never received any shots and fought against basic illnesses we lost quite a few. Our dogs were luckier – except one we managed to save them all.

What else happened?

Something that is still unprecedented. Animal protection groups of all colors, size and ideology worked together. The cooperation began by itself. Covered by the sludge, wearing protective clothing and a mask the brands did not show and only the common goal was visible.

And something else!

The NOAH family was born! You stood by us with unbelievable strength and willingness and you helped us with whatever you could. With a few Forints, a couple of bags of pet food, physical labor, organization, driver service and I could go on. Without you it could not have been done, it would not have been succeeded and this family is still alive and is here with you, Angels! We will do our job in the future, as well.

Most of the surviving animals went back to their original homes or found new families. Our most seriously hurt dog, Szutyok, for whom we fought for weeks and who has been healing for months celebrated the anniversary of her rebirth the grandiose way. A few days ago, she moved to her own new family!



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