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Tündér Palkó has to go to a Sanatorium

Palika – his real name is Tündér Palkó– has been with us for quite a long time. He is a very good-natured horse with a very special pony like apparance. Unfortunately his health is not the best, because of a previous serous hoof dermis inflammation the structure of his front hoofs are very weak, it has to be corrected by a smiths medical and this is the reason why we have to be very careful how we feed him: he is on a strict diet for the rest of his life, he is not allowed to eat anything else except grass hay and a little bit of apple and carrott. Llucerne, bread and other delicacy is strictly forbidden to him.

There is something even more serious in Palkó’s case, it’s his roaring, what has been getting more serious despite his treatment. Although he regularly gets steroids and expectorants every morning and evening, it seems the medical treatment is not enough. Palkó’s condition is getting worse, he has to fight for almost every single breath, his lung bubbles and beeps. The wet’s suggestion is a complete change of environment, preferably mountain air but the most important thing would be a pasture. Unfortunately we can’t provide this because the Shelter doesn’t own such a big land, our stock yard is only a couple of thousand square meters, while one ha per horse is ideal for keeping most ancient. Since we don’t have a pasture, our horses eat hay most of the time and that is dusty and it’s not ideal for a horse suffering from roaring. The solution would be making the hay wet but because of the high number of our horses and having a herd it’s not possible. Unfortunately making the hay wet wouldn’t be enough because the area of the Shelter is near the M0 motorway, and the ground itself is fine sand and none of them makes it easier for a horse with emphysema.

Keeping her on pasture is advertised by a lot of places but we can’t afford to pay 25-35 thousand HUF/month for it. We would like to ask help from our sponsors, supporters, everybody who can suggest a place where Palika can live in an appropriate environment or we’re waiting for those who could support Palika’s replacement on a pasture. The best place would be among mountains but a pasture anyway. It’s important that there has to be capacity for keeping a horse with roaring: making the hay wet, medications, expectorants.

About Palika: he is a middle aged small horse. He is well-natured, doesn’t kick, nor bite, absolutely cooperative. He walks on lunge very well. His relationship with other horses is perfect, actually he requires their company, not aggressive at all, although he is an ’I’m in love’ type, when he picks out a female, he follows her everywhere. He isn’t rude to other animals. He can’t get scared easily, he is reliable with children too. Because of his hoof and lung problems he can’t be ridden. If you want a free school horse, keep yourself away! What Palkó can offer: he is decorative, a tireless lawnmower, an extravagant garden dwarf.

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