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What's next for Füstös? We have the results of the CT

First I have to apologize for not writing down things correctly medically, however I think I understand what is going on, my brain translates terms involuntarily and this is how I can pass them on.

The reasons are hard to find now but probably due to a bacterial infection (or as a result of an unfortunate trauma) part of the vertebra at the 3-4-5 vertebra lumbalis has literally absorbed.
Nature did not leave it at that and the new bone formation has started but not well. The three vertebras became an octopus-shaped bone formation. The nerve outlets on the two sides narrowed down by the fifth.

Sadly it seems that due to the place and complexity of the problem, surgery is not a possibility. Consultations with specialists are still going on both here and abroad.

Until then he gets conservative medical treatment and acupuncture. He will surely need hydrotherapy, magnetic treatment and rehabilitation exercise.

We know that a drastic surgical action would be easier but both we and – what is really important – Smokey is not about to give up. The fact that the functioning of the legs is getting better is merely a miracle of nature, and is a result of the dog’s strong will and our caring.

We’ll come back as soon as there are new doings, until then Smokey is welcoming fans in the yard. Deep inside he knows he has an angels somewhere and cannot wait to find his new owner for life.

Story of Füstös:

Füsti: the night after CT – footnote from Meggyes:)


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