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Saturday heat wave vs horse girls

Many people asked that what we do in such a hot weather. What do we do to weather this big heat in Noé? Well I try to explain it, how we - horse rider girls - do it.

Saturday morning, the sun was burning, there wasn’t any cloud in the sky, and everybody was suffering. We were thinking about what we should do in order to our horses survive this weather. And then came the idea, instead of cleaning the horses, we should give them a shower.
Get the hose and go to the meadow. On the meadow, the horses were looking at us really strange that what we were going to do. There were some of them who were watching us from farther, but there were curious ones too. The hose was ready, so let’s have a shower. I was responsible for catching the horses. It was a big fun… But I managed to catch them, maybe a bit slowly, but I did it.

In the beginning the showering was going so well, everybody was waiting in the queue until they got really wet. But one horse really loved this program, Kalinka. He loved that he got totally wet. He came under the water by himself, he was going round and enjoyed the bath and when we would have finished with him, he didn’t want to give the place over to the next client. But then we finally made him leave. After this, he just gave us looks of reproach.

There were some horses who didn’t want to get our wellness service at all, like our crabby pony: Gazsi. Well when Juli asked me to catch him I thought it would be easy, but when I wanted to approach him Juli told me that: “Oh he won’t let you grab him, he doesn’t like water”. But I thought: “It’s heat-wave, he will enjoy this little shower”. I was wrong. When he realized what I wanted to do (after I had given him the halter) he started to drag me to the opposite direction so you can guess who won the war.

After some tries I said that I’m done with him. Then Juli came, that she will catch Gazsi and I will water him. Well she fought with Gazsi too, you can guess who won the first round.

Bud Juli didn't give up. She cought Gazsi and patiently solve the problem.

All of our horses became clean and fresh. But suddenly we heard a kind of archly neight behind us and after we turned back we saw the next situation: our lovely stud was rolling in the dust. They weren't as clean as we saw them last time.

I knew they turned on us but I thought they would wait for our departure. They show us our hard work didn't mean them anything. It doesn't metter, we love them anyway.

So we all wanted to do this against the hot and this is an avarage day of the girls of the Noé.

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