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The ’horse doctor’s visit

We found a weird lump not far from Tesco’s surgical scars on his belly a few weeks ago. After the check up our vet Dr Zoltan Kerekes confirmed our biggest fear: hernia… Our home-work was for several weeks to check if the lump changed or not. It seemed to change its size so we had an ultrasound done. We were really affraid of the result because Tesco had already had three intraabdominal surgeries so we wouldn’t have liked at all if he had gone through an other one. Fortunately the ultrasound showed good news. It was hernia but it wasn’t so serious that it had to be operated. In the best case the lump will stabilize so surgery won’t be necessary. We have to keep an eye on him from now. Of course Tesco didn’t sense anything about the situation, he is the same mischief-maker like he used to be. As for his belly it would be better if he stopped the daylong jumping, clowning and playing rodeo with his mates (TothOtto and Lama G) but everybody who knows him knows very well that this is an impossible request and to be honest we can be relaxed only until we see him on this way.

The famous lump:


Our new horse, Carmen had an examination as well because her leg had been painful for a few days and she wasn’t willing to stay on it. Probably she was jumping too much in her pinfold when she was bored. She got a Phenilbutazon course which consists pinkiller and anti-inflammatory. Fortunately she is feeling much better now but it’s a long way to be healed. What we know for sure that she needs more courses like this one until her leg will be painless and the athritis elapses. There will be taken an X-Ray about Carmen’s leg soon so we can have a clearer picture about her healing. Dr Zoltan Kerekes cares a lot about Carmen’s well being so he offered her three ’shock wave’ therapies for free (one therapy like this would cost 10000 Ft) what is a very effective therapy for this kind of injuries. Thank you Dr Kerekes!

Carmen's injured leg:

Our third patient was Topaz who has been suspicious for a while because she hasn’t put on weight on the same way like the other horses we rescued from the ’Érd horse killer’. She spends a lot of time far from the others and she often gets scared without reason, for example from her own shadow. We’ve been concernd for a while that there might be a probem with one of her eyes. Unfortunately our vet confirmed this fear: Topaz is blind on her right eye. Checking it from closer her right eyeball is 70% bigger than the other one. The reason is not completely clear, but there are two options. The worst scenario is that there’s a tumor behind her eye, but this is very rear among horses. The other possibility is that a previous injury/infection caused her blindness. Further examinations will be necessary for having a precise diagnosis. Then we will see what kind of threatments would be necessary for her.

Eye examination:

More photos of the examination:HERE!

The price of the vet and the medications of our horses is unfortunately very high. Please, if you have the power, support our horses’ new hoofs. In the comment you should write: Horse saving.

Our horses can be supported by virtual adoption, too.

Our account number:
Transaction from abroad:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

The following items would be needful for the Horse Saving Project:
Any kind of horse food or muesli (for Carmen and the horses from Érd)
Barley/oat (swadged if it’s possible), bran
Vitamin products for horses
Electric fence tape
Hairs shine/mane shine

If you have further questions about the horses or donations don’t hesitate to contact us by e-mail:


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