If you have questions about Csepke, please send an e-mail to !
A 7-month-old girl weighing about 10 kg with a leg injury came into our care, who was rescued from Gadna after being taken over from the Füzesabony Animal Welfare Foundation. She was taken immediately to the hospital, was given a breathing mask because she had pneumothorax. After assessing her condition her mangled leg had to be amputated. A terrible loss, but it was her only chance to live... We gave her the name Csepke.
Csepke is now in our animal home, has had her stitches removed and has started her vaccination programme.
Csepke is still very young and has already experienced pain and fear, so we are looking for an owner who can forget all the bad things she has experienced in her short life and prove to her that life is beautiful and she is a lovable companion.
She can bring so much joy and happiness to her beloved owner. We are only looking for a home where she can be a full member of the family. We hope that the Angel who has been waiting for her will come and give her all that she may not have received so far in a safe home .
She is available for adoption vaccinated, chipped and neutered.
To inquire about her and to make an appointment, call 06 30 221 12 99, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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