If you have questions about Pirula, please send an e-mail to !
Pirula was kept on a half meter long chain and she was skin and bones 😢💔😡
She came into our care with the help of the Pápai Humán Állatvédő Association. She was taken to our division in Szergény. She was starved and abused. We would like to thank to the Mayor of Vid and to all the worker's in his office who ddn't turn a blind eye when they received a complaint from a member of the public. 🙏
We gave her the name Pirula. She is young, hardly 1 year old. She has a lot of fur so the pictures don't give back the true condition she is in. She is only 11kg and she should be twice as much. She is staying with a foster family for the first few days so they can feed her with small portions all throughout the day.
She is a very friendly and happy dog. She is very greatful for every nice word and for every stroke. We will look for a family for her where she will be loved for as long as she lives and where she will be treated as a full member.
She is chipped, vaccinated and neutered.
For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or write to info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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