4797: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS nev,faj,nem,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(szuletett) AS sz,kep,statusz,meret,szor,telep,leiras,ID,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bekerult) AS b,descr,beschr FROM allat WHERE ID=4797 LIMIT 0,10
Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány - Lencsilány
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Name: Lencsilány
Sex: Bitch
Born: 2020.04.13.
Arrived: 2020.07.06.

If you have questions about Lencsilány, please send an e-mail to !

Let us introduce to you our newest protegé Lencsilány. She is just a baby but she already has been through hell. She is so thin and week that she can hardly stand. Her whole body is inflammed, full of wounds and bleeding, skin is thickened and hardly has any fur on her. Due to the inflammation she can hardly open her eyes and she is very scared. I don't blame to be honest because she must not have gotten any love at all in her first short 10-12 weeks of life. She came from a village called Onga which is near Miskolc. Thaks to animal lovers she was put in safety until we could come and pick her up. She was immediately taken to the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum Clinic where she was thoroughly examined. She has to be bathed with 2 different kind of special shampoos on a daily basis. After she has arrived into our care we were informed that there is another puppy like her in the same condition so it is most like the sister of Lencsilány. She is in safety too because another organisation took her in. Becuase of this new development helper went to the village searching for other puppies.

We will look for a family who is responsible and is aware of the hardships of bringing up a puppy and is ready to accept that there will be accidents and losses in the flat or in the garden. We are looking for someone who will not only love her when she is a puppy but will love her, when she is teenager, adult and also when she gets old.

She is chipped, her vaccination program has been started and the owner has to continue it. The future owner is obligated to neuter her and we will check it.

For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or visit us at the shelter in the 17th district at the end of Csordakút street from Monday till Saturday between 10am-15pm.

More pictures HERE!




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