If you have questions about Anika, please send an e-mail to !
This sweet old lady in my hand whom we named Anika was found today in the busy area of the 17th district in Budapest. She doesn't have a chip in her and her owner wasn't around. What she does have big and a lot of them are breast tumors. Some of them are ulcerous. She has 2 foggy eyes and just a few teeth left in her mouth. The people who found her said that they saw her in the last couple of days around the neighborhood. The question is why didn't anyone help her before? I admit that she doesn't look good with those tumors and she doesn't smell like a bed of roses but still...
We took her to our vet and she has a huge ulcerous tumor, other tumors and hernias. Her left eye has shrunk and she probably doesn't see with it. Her right eye is foggy but it reacts to light. There are good news: her heart worm quick test was negative and she doesn't have metastasis. 🙏❤️❤️❤️
Anika was operated on as soon as her condition allowed it. This sweet little old lady is now free of the biggest tumors on her left side. She is doing well and she rests a lot. She doesn't like to move much which is understandable because she was cut open parctically from head to toe. She has to have more operations. She has a tumor on her right side, has hernia and also has to be neutered. Her eye has to be treated every day. For now she needs to recuparate and her next surgery is scheduled for next month.
We are looking for a foster family for her where she could get the love and attention which could help her get better. The foster family will have to take her for check ups and operations in the 19th district. If you wish to foster her please, call us on +3670 3839480 or write to us at info@noeallatotthon.hu.
For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or visit us at the shelter in the 17th district at the end of Csordakút street from Monday till Saturday between 10am-15pm.

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