If you have questions about Homeless, please send an e-mail to !
Homeless was found in the 17th district pulling himself on his 2 front legs because the back legs were paralyzed. He didn't have a chip in him and nobody looked for him so we named him Homeless.
We immediately took him to the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ and Sebészeti Centrum Clinic. The test showed that he hardly has any deep pain sensation in his back leg and he has a fever. He needed and MRI which was done the next day at the VetScan Kisállat Diagnosztika Clinic. Dr. Zoltán Kerekes gave us the results. He has slipped disk at the L2-L3 vertebra which is a typical Dachshund paralysis. It shows on the scan that he has an edema in the spinal-cord which means recovery is slower and harder. Still there is no question about it that the operation was necessary and our miracle worker Dr. Boda operated on him the same day in the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum Clinic.
The MRI also showed that his prostates are bigger then normal so he will be castrated as well.
Dr. Boda has explained the the spinal cord fluid has shrunk which tells us that the injury was not fresh. That also means that there is less of a chance that he will walk again. We will not give up and his rehabilitation will start as soon as it is allowed. He was staying at the clinic for a while because his wound didn't want to heal well but he is recovering now in our hospital ward at the animal home.
As we thought there is no news on his former owner so we are guessing that he was thrown out like trash on purpose. 😪💔😡
If he will not be able to walk again then he will get a wheelchair just like the rest of the paralyzed dogs that live in our animal home like Ada, Bütyök, Csutka and Vitó.
He is chipped and castrated. After he recovers, he will be vaccinated and only then he will be up for adoption.
For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or visit us at the shelter in the 17th district at the end of Csordakút street from Monday till Saturday between 10am-15pm.

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