3638: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS nev,faj,nem,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(szuletett) AS sz,kep,statusz,meret,szor,telep,leiras,ID,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bekerult) AS b,descr,beschr FROM allat WHERE ID=3638 LIMIT 0,10
Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány - Hanga
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Name: Hanga
Sex: Bitch
Born: 2015.01.01.
Arrived: 2017.05.21.

If you have questions about Hanga, please send an e-mail to !

Hanga came to our animal home from the city pound of Hajdúböszörmény and as you can see he is a very very sad dog and we can safely say he is the sadest dog in the world. Look at his eyes and look at his paws as he is trying to hold on to the only fix point in his life that is the ground. He doesn’t do anything, he is just quietly lying around trying to stay invisible.

We were told he had an „owner” who just simply locked him out of his home one day and the dogcatcher came, took him to the city pound nad thanks to animal loving people he came to us two days later. He spent the weekend in hospital because he had a thorough examination. Blood test, ultrasound, xrays, heart worm test etc. It has to be determined that he has any physical problems and that is the reason he is so sad and lethargic. When the results come back and all of them will be negative then his soul’s rehabilitation will start.
We already know that he is not old at all, not even middle aged. One of his eyes is missing but the other eye is ok. If you ask me then his heart is broken into a million peaces but WE WILL NOT GIVE UP! We will do everything in our power to show and prove him that life is beautiful and people can be good and the hand that pets him is a friend.

He can't be adopted just as a garden dog. We are looking for a family for him where he will be treated as a full member and where he will be loved for as long as he lives.

She is chipped, neutered and vaccinated.

For more information, please call 06 30 221 1299 from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. or personally at NOÉ Állatotthon foundation 1171 Budapest, Csordakút street’s end.

More pictures HERE!




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