If you have questions about Tejbegríz, please send an e-mail to !
Tejbegríz is a poodle like female dog who came to us from the shelter in Püspökladány.
She was lethargic, her fur was in a terrible stinking condition and had a whole flea circus on her. She also had a purulent wound on her bottom and her front right leg is deformed because it was broken and was not treated at all and the bone healed crooked. Our vet has examined her and unfortunately her leg can't be saved and after her wound heals and wil be a bit stronger then her leg will be amputated. Soon she will be trimmed and we will try to rid her of her filthy and sticky fur.
Tejbegriz is friendly and hopefully she will be healthy and happy soon.
After she heals, gets her vaccinations and will be neutered she can be adopted. She can not be adopted just as a garden dog. We will rehome her where she can be a full member!
For more information, please call 06 30 221 1299 from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. or personally at NOÉ Állatotthon foundation 1171 Budapest, Csordakút street’s end.

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A Tetszik gomb eléréséhez sütik engedélyezése szükséges.