If you have questions about Rózsika, please send an e-mail to !
Rózsika is an old, about 10 years old mixed breed female dog who was pulled out from a creek in the 17th district. She was almost drawned, his body temperature was low.
It is possible that she was having her period and thats why it happened to her.
She is a little bit confused at the moment but we’ve already known for sure that she is really friendly with humans, other dogs even with other kind of animals around the house.
She is a bit slow, a bit deaf a bit blind but she can be loved very much.
We hope that we can find her original owner or someone’s eyes catch on this old lady and there will be someone who can give her a loving and warm home, hopefully for a long time.
She can be adopted when She is fully vaccinated, neutered and has a chip.

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