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Our love, Sony!

Hello, dear Angels,

I was planning to write this letter for a long time. I believe it’s time to take its shape!
Maybe it helps…
I’d like to tell you why IT IS good to adopt an old dog.
It wasn’t accidental that I wrote it with capital letters, because they don’t have much chance!

You already know my story:

I visited you before Christmas because I really like animals and this time of the year everybody is receptive. I haven’t seen him then, but under the influence of the week before I went there again next week. You asked me I saw the farm earlier. Yes, there was the wonder. I saw a dog there with really sad eyes who left a group of children for let me pet him. My heart was shaking for this silent, humble supplication. My nerves were screaming that HE is the one I need. While I was petting his head love was rippling on me.
Yes, I was so shy! I’ve never had a dog before so I had some doubts if it wouldn’t be so hard to have long walks in the cold. (It was never so hard and surprisingly I really enjoyed it!) Seriously it was my biggest problem. I haven’t thought that there are other things than vaccination by the vet. :-) I was going to sleep for a week while I was thinking of him. I saw his eyes as he looked at me. And as time was passing by I set my alarm clock a few minutes earlier every day in order to prepare for him. I was waiting for Saturday to see and feel him again. I was checking on your webpage if he is still there. Was he still waiting for me?

Yes, he was there. After he came home he was stickled to me. At the beginning it was maybe because I was a stable point in his life. It is said that you have to get used to the good things. For him it took 2 weeks to believe that he has a new home, he is in secure and we are sticking to him, we won’t let him go away on his own. After 1 month he was brave enough to go away from me when we were walking. He knew that I would stay with him.

And here is the bottom line:
Sony lives with me since five months. Unlike puppies he doesn’t chew anything but he is happy when we arrive home after a long day. No, he is not jumping, but he is wagging his tail, smiling. Sometimes he puts his head on my foot with his shining eyes. He pegs me because I don’t pet him while I’m taking off my shoes. :-) It doesn’t matter if I was away just for an hour or I was working all day! While we are walking he is always next to me so I can grab him in case it’s needed. If he is in front of me he looks back all the time. Now it’s not because he miss me. He doesn’t hear me so this is his sign that he takes care of me. It’s true that he is not so healthy. But please show me an old person who is healthy! Young’s are also going to the doctor all the time, aren’t they? But we can keep it under control with two medicines. This isn’t a so much, is it? He is 16 years old which means 112 years for a person. It is true that he doesn’t keep the house clean. Well, I’ve got a mop with a blue bucket! But it’s a problem because while I’m writing this letter he came to sit next to me. He is barking just in case he wants to protect me. He can be so happy if he sees me, he jumps so high. (I’m laughing out loud when I see him like this.) He gives me a kiss if he likes something. He lies down next to me if I’d like to study. If he wants to go down he is flattering and stands next to the door. 
So I’d like to tell to everybody who is afraid of adopting a dog that you can do it in another way! You can do it slow as an old guy if you like this. Without chewing, running a lot, in a silent way with lots of love. With joy when I see that he is smiling because of him is dreaming. This is what he got from me from his old days. He is grateful because he is loved. We are happy for every moment we spend together, because HE is my dog!
Hugs to you! I would be thankful all in my life because I got him from you!

Ps.: Sony is good as a therapeutic dog. One of my friends is afraid of dogs, but she visited me to see Sony. Sony felt that Kati was afraid of him. He stopped an arm’s length and waited for Kati to crouch. After 10 seconds a huge party started with lots of petting and laughing. Children in my neighborhood are coming and shouting “he doesn’t bite” and “he doesn’t hurt you” and they pet him a lot! 


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